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Q: Why does the amount of heat receives by places far from equator become less?
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Why are all places along the equator very warm?

Places along the equator receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, leading to higher temperatures. The angle of sunlight is more intense near the equator, causing more heat to be trapped at the Earth's surface. Additionally, the equator receives consistent solar radiation due to its position relative to the tilt of the Earth's axis, maintaining warm temperatures year-round.

What are all places on earth north of the equator called?

All places to the north of the Equator are in the Northern Hemisphere.

Do the places near equator have longer days than those places further away from the equator?

Days are longer.

Is the south pole colder than the equator?

Yes, the South Pole is colder than the equator. The South Pole experiences extreme cold temperatures due to its location at the Earth's southernmost point, while the equator receives direct sunlight and has a warmer climate.

What part of Earth receives most heat from the sun?

year-round is the EquatorDeath Valley, is mostly the tropics they receive the most heat from the sunCentral America receives most heat from the sun.The middle of the earth near the equator gets the most heat from the sun.the central regionequatordepending on the time of year in summer in the northern hemisphere it falls on a line parallel to the equator that falls on the middle of Florida during spring and fall the equator receive the most direct sunlight during northern hmispheres winter the most direct sunlight falls around the southern most point of Brazil in a line parallel to the equator that totally surrounds the earth it is better than Pizza with peporoni 2along the equator because it's closer to the sun.your motheerThe tropical ZoneAll the areas which lie at EQUATOR receive the most direct sunlight.the side were the sun is pointed to on earththe torrid zone of the earth which lies between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn receives the more amount of heat than other climatic zones of the world. Places that fall on the equator ,receive the most amount of heat.The equator falls in the torrid zone and runs exactly half way from the north pole and the south poleThe equator.Near the equator.

Related questions

What factors influence the amount of energy that different places on earth receives from the sun?

The main factor that influences the amount of energy that different places on Earth receive from the sun is the places location. The closer it is to the equator the more sun energy it will receive.

Are all places among the equator very warm and why?

Because of the Earth's positioning and tilt on its axis, the places on equator receive much sunlight, hence hotter, although not longest amount of time with sunlight.

Does the equator give off heat?

The equator itself does not give off heat. However, because the equator receives more direct sunlight than other parts of the Earth, it tends to be warmer due to the sun's energy.

Why are all places along the equator very warm?

Places along the equator receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, leading to higher temperatures. The angle of sunlight is more intense near the equator, causing more heat to be trapped at the Earth's surface. Additionally, the equator receives consistent solar radiation due to its position relative to the tilt of the Earth's axis, maintaining warm temperatures year-round.

Where does it snow the most on average what country?

Japan receives the most snowfall on average in the world. The region of Aomori in northern Japan typically receives the highest amount of snowfall each year.

Why are the places on the equator warmer then the places nearer the poles?

Because there is almost always constant sunlight on the equator.

What are all places on earth north of the equator called?

All places to the north of the Equator are in the Northern Hemisphere.

What are some places warmer than the equator?

Some places warmer than the equator are Brazil, and the countries in Australia.

Do the places near equator have longer days than those places further away from the equator?

Days are longer.

All places on earth south of the equator are in the?

All places south of the equator are in the southern hemisphere.

Is the south pole colder than the equator?

Yes, the South Pole is colder than the equator. The South Pole experiences extreme cold temperatures due to its location at the Earth's southernmost point, while the equator receives direct sunlight and has a warmer climate.

What part of Earth receives most heat from the sun?

year-round is the EquatorDeath Valley, is mostly the tropics they receive the most heat from the sunCentral America receives most heat from the sun.The middle of the earth near the equator gets the most heat from the sun.the central regionequatordepending on the time of year in summer in the northern hemisphere it falls on a line parallel to the equator that falls on the middle of Florida during spring and fall the equator receive the most direct sunlight during northern hmispheres winter the most direct sunlight falls around the southern most point of Brazil in a line parallel to the equator that totally surrounds the earth it is better than Pizza with peporoni 2along the equator because it's closer to the sun.your motheerThe tropical ZoneAll the areas which lie at EQUATOR receive the most direct sunlight.the side were the sun is pointed to on earththe torrid zone of the earth which lies between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn receives the more amount of heat than other climatic zones of the world. Places that fall on the equator ,receive the most amount of heat.The equator falls in the torrid zone and runs exactly half way from the north pole and the south poleThe equator.Near the equator.