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The sugar does not melt. It dissolves.

The rate of dissolution can be increased by agitation (i.e. stirring or shaking) because it moves the sugar to less concentrated parts of the water. When less sugar is already dissolved, further sugar will dissolve quicker; if left alone, the sugar must gradually diffuse, and this can take a relatively long time.

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3w ago

Stirring increases the surface area of the sugar particles in contact with the coffee, allowing them to dissolve more quickly. This exposes more sugar molecules to the hot or cold liquid, resulting in faster melting compared to unmelted sugar sitting at the bottom of the cup.

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Q: Why does sugar melt faster in coffee whether hot or cold when it is stirred?
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What is stirred sugar?

It is sugar that is stirred and is dissolved faster than regular sugar.

Does stirred sugar dissolve faster?


Which sugar cube dissolved faster when stirred or not stirred?

The sugar cube would dissolve faster when stirred. When you stir a sugar cube in water, you increase the rate at which molecules of sugar come into contact with water molecules, speeding up the dissolving process. Without stirring, the process is slower as diffusion is the only mechanism that helps the sugar dissolve.

What dissolves faster sugar left alone in water or sugar stirred in the water?

Sugar stirred in water dissolves faster than sugar left alone in water. By stirring the sugar, it increases the surface area of the sugar particles coming into contact with the water, speeding up the dissolving process.

Is table sugar added to a cup of coffee and stirred a pure substance or a mixture?

The coffee with added table sugar would be considered a mixture. The table sugar dissolves in the coffee, creating a homogeneous mixture where the sugar molecules are evenly distributed throughout the coffee.

Is a cup of coffee with milk and sugar a heterogeneous mixture?

Coffee with cream and sugar is a homogeneous mixture (assuming it has been well-stirred), as the mixture has a uniform composition throughout. Dividing the mixture into macroscopic parts, each part will have the same composition as the original mixture.

Why does hot coffee weigh more than cold coffee?

sugar dissolves faster in hot coffee because the temperature makes it melt quicker than the process of cold coffee.

How do you make the Irish Coffee?

Apparently it requires a special coffee bean and special roasting and a coffee expert that has a special skill.

What happen to the sugar when it put into cold water and stirred?

When sugar is put into cold water and stirred, it will dissolve. The sugar molecules will disperse and mix evenly with the water molecules to form a sugar solution.

Why granulated sugar will dissolve faster in a cup of coffee than sugar cubes?

Granulated sugar has a higher surface area than sugar cubes due to its smaller grain size, which allows for quicker dissolution in hot liquid like coffee. The increased surface area means more of the sugar is in contact with the liquid, speeding up the dissolution process compared to the denser sugar cubes.

Is sugar stirred into tea a mixture or a compound?

because sugar separates from tea!

How can you make coffee sweeter without adding too much sugar or any sweetener?

You can add a small amount of water to the coffee. This makes the taste milder, and if you add sugar to the dulled coffee the sugar will stand out more. Adding water to the coffee will also cool it down faster so you can drink it right away, perfect for mornings when you are running late.