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Q: Why does sugar form clear solution but soap forms cloudy solution?
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What homogenous mixture forms when sugar is dissolved into a glass of hot water?

When sugar is dissolved in hot water, it forms a homogeneous mixture called a sugar solution. The sugar molecules evenly disperse within the water, resulting in a clear and colorless liquid with a sweet taste.

When sugar cubes completely dissolves in a glass of water it forms what?

When sugar cubes completely dissolve in a glass of water, it forms a sugar solution. This solution is a homogeneous mixture where the sugar molecules are evenly distributed throughout the water.

Is sugar dissolved in water is a solution?

Yes, when sugar is dissolved in water, it forms a homogeneous mixture called a solution. In this case, water is the solvent and sugar is the solute.

What best describes a solid such as sugar that dissolves in water to form a solution?

When sugar dissolves in water, it forms a homogeneous mixture called a solution. In this process, the sugar molecules disperse evenly throughout the water molecules, breaking down the solid sugar into individual particles. This creates a clear, transparent liquid with no visible sugar crystals.

What is the colour of sugar and common salt solution?

Sugar solutions are usually clear or slightly off-white in color, while salt solutions are typically clear. The color of the solution may depend on the concentration of the sugar or salt in the solution.

When you melt and burn sugar does is its identity still sugar?

No,if we melt sugar it decomposes and forms a sour solution that is not sugar.

Does sugar form a colloid when mixed with water?

No, sugar forms a solution when mixed with water.

What type of solution forms when 1 L of water is mixed with 1 g of sugar?

This a very dilute homogeneous solution of sugar.

Is adding white sugar to a clear acid a chemical change?

The sugar might dissolve in the acid and get added to the solution.

Which of these is a homogeneous mixture that forms when sugar is dissolved in a glass of hot water- solution suspension colloid or substance?

Solution. Sugar dissolves completely in the hot water to form a homogeneous mixture known as a solution.

What is a sugar solution?

Sugar in water forms a sweet syrup. The more sugar dissolved into the water the thicker (and more syrupy) it will become.

Is sugar dissolved in water is it a mixture but not a solution?

Sugar dissolved in water forms a homogeneous mixture known as a solution. In a solution, the sugar particles are evenly distributed throughout the water, resulting in a uniform composition. Thus, sugar dissolved in water is classified as a solution.