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Q: Why does sprite melt ice fastest?
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What beverage will melt the ice the fastest coca cola or sprite?

Coca Cola

Will lemonade water or sprite melt the fastest?

Sprite will likely melt the fastest because it has a higher sugar content than lemonade or water, which can lower the freezing point of the liquid, causing it to melt quicker.

Why does ice melt faster in water and not in sprite?

Ice melts faster in water

Which ice cube will melt fastest in the shade or in the sun?

Does ice melt faster in sun or shade

Which ice cubes melt faster in sprite or water?

Sprite. Bubbles allowing the heat to conduct with the solution more vigoresly.

Where do ice cubes melt the fastest?

under a light

Does an ice cube melt faster in sprite or pepsi?

Well it is sprite cause it is more bubbly but pepsi tastes much better.

Why does Coca-Cola melt faster than sprite?

Drinks are liquid and cannot melt. Perhaps you mean the ice cubes ?

What temperature does an ice lolly melt the fastest in?

An ice lolly will melt the fastest at temperatures above freezing, usually around room temperature (20-25°C). This is because the heat from the surrounding environment will transfer to the ice lolly, causing it to melt.

Which liquid makes an ice cube melt the fastest?


What from lemon juice causes ice to melt the fastest?

The rime

What color cup will ice melt fastest in?

A black cup would make the ice-cube melt the fastest becauseblack substances trap in more heat than any other color.