Microscopic water droplets - which would normally fall as rain - freeze due to the low temperature. They stick together to form larger flakes - which become too heavy to stay in the clouds - so they fall as snow.
Rain, wind, hail, sleet, snow, extreme cold or hot.
It actually depends where you are in the world.Christmas is normally associated with cold and snow. However on the opposite end of the world, it is summer, so for those people Christmas is actually warm and hot.Whether the weather is cold enough for snow or you have a warm sunny Christmas depends on where you live and the seasonal changes.
snow is a white flaky type of precipitation that occurs in cold weather
The passage of a cold front can produce abrupt changes in weather conditions. Typically, it brings cooler temperatures, gusty winds, and often precipitation such as rain or snow. Sometimes thunderstorms or tornadoes can also develop along a cold front.
The temperature will get colder, and it might rain, snow, sleet, or hail.
cold weather
The Snow Leopard survives in warm weather too but is well adapted to cold.
High humidity cold weather and rain.
Snow boots are great for cold winter weather.
Lot's of rain and cold weather causes heavy snow.
At the time the weather was bitterly cold with snow under foot. It was said that Scrooge was as cold
Poland at Christmas usually have snow and cold weather.
Snow, lots of plants that are native to cold weather
Really cold ones
ice,snow,and very cold
it is when the weather is cold in october,november or it could be december
The weather was very chilly and cold that winter we had a HUGE snow storm.