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Q: Why does pressure increase around injured muscles?
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How does pressure increase around injured muscles and what effect does this have on regional anatomy?

A layer of tissue does not stretch and a small amount of blood gets into the muscle. This can cause fractures and sometimes hemorrhaging.

Why does walking trigger the urge to urinate?

Walking can increase pressure on the bladder, which can stimulate the urge to urinate. This is because physical activity can cause the muscles around the bladder to contract, making you feel like you need to go to the bathroom.

Why does the water pressure increase the deeper you go in the ocean?

i was told that it is the weight of the water around you

How is blood pressure generated that forces blood to circulate throughout the body?

Blood pressure is generated by the heart. When the heart muscles contract, they create pressure to push blood around the circulatory system.

What will happen to the pressure inside the container if the volume of a container of gas is reduced?

If the volume of a container of gas is reduced, the pressure inside the container will increase. This is because reducing the volume decreases the amount of space the gas molecules have to move around, leading to them colliding more frequently with the walls of the container, thus increasing the pressure.

What can you do to increase the temperature of boiling water?

To increase the temperature of boiling water, you can apply more heat to the water by turning up the stove or using a higher heat setting. You can also increase the pressure around the water, which will lead to a higher boiling point.

What should you do about a sports injury?

Evaluate if there is too much swelling around the injured area. If you are able to walk or put pressure on the injury in question then it might be alright just to put some ice on it. If you cannot put pressure on the injured area it may be the best idea to go see a doctor.

When you yawn how come your eyes get teary?

When you yawn, the muscles around your eyes tighten, putting pressure on your tear glands. This pressure can cause tears to be released, leading to watery eyes when you yawn.

What muscles are around the pivot joint?

The muscles around the pivot joint are the Quadricep and the Hamstring muscles.

What are the changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure during exercise?

During exercise, systolic blood pressure typically increases due to the increased demand for oxygen by the muscles. Diastolic blood pressure may either stay the same or slightly decrease, as the blood vessels dilate to allow more blood flow to the muscles.

What is the pressure above sea level in mmHg?

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is typically around 760 mmHg. As you increase in altitude above sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases. For example, at 5,000 feet above sea level, the atmospheric pressure may be around 625 mmHg.

How many people were majorly injured during September 11?

Around 6,000 people were injured. Around 3,000 were killed.