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It seems that you have not got a hold on refraction yet. Refraction occurs when a light is moving from one kind of medium to another kind. Now the slower the light moves more is the refraction. In fact refraction occurs due to change in the velocity of light in different mediums.

When light moves from a rarer medium to a denser medium like say from air to glass, The speed of light decreases and the light moves towards the normal. A part of the light gets reflected back into the air as it falls on a denser medium.

The reflection you see in the mirror is not perfect as due to the thickness of the glass most of the light refracts and some reflects.

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Q: Why does partial reflection and refraction still occur when the light is travelling more slowly in acrylic than in water?
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True. When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a denser one, most of the wave energy is reflected back into the less dense medium, causing partial reflection and refraction of the wave.

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An example of partial refraction is when light passes from air into water. As the light enters the water, it changes speed and direction due to the change in medium, causing the light to bend. However, not all of the light is refracted, as some may also be reflected off the surface of the water.

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Partial reflection occurs when a wave encounters a boundary between two mediums with different refractive indices, causing part of the wave to be reflected back and part to be transmitted through the boundary. This phenomenon can be observed in various wave types, such as light or sound waves.

What is a valplast partial denture?

valplast is a brand of denture made from specific metal & acrylic to embed false ceramic teeth.A partial denture is made for one or teeth.The complete denture embeds complete set of upper /lower teeth.

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Partial reflection occurs when a wave traveling from one medium to another with different optical densities reflects off the boundary between the two media. This phenomenon happens because part of the wave is transmitted into the second medium while the rest is reflected. It is governed by the difference in refractive indices of the two media.

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What happens as a wave passes through the boundary between the air and water?

As a wave passes through the boundary between air and water, the wave undergoes refraction due to the difference in wave speed between the two mediums. This causes the wave to change direction and bend towards the normal. Additionally, some of the wave's energy is reflected back into the original medium, leading to a partial reflection.

Can the teeth in a Valplast partial break or break out?

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