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It sure works on Earth. It works everywhere. If there is no net force on an object, the object will not accelerate. Vice versa, if the object does not accelerate, that means there is no net force on the object.

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Q: Why does newton's first law of motion not work on earth?
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Who discovered the earth and moon stay in orbit?

It was first fully explained by Newtons theory of gravity and laws of motion, but the theory built on previous work by Kepler.

What kind of work is done when a force opposes an object's motion watts newtons or molecular?

The answer is newtons

Do Laws of motion and gravity work together?

yes, since newtons law

What was the first name of the famous scientist who gave us Newtons first three laws of motion?

The first name of the famous scientist who gave us Newton's first three laws of motion is Isaac. Isaac Newton is widely known for his work in physics, including the formulation of these fundamental laws.

If you weight 100 newtons on earth how many newtons on mercury?

That's a very low weight; approximately the weight of a small baby. Anyway, gravity on Earth is 9.8 newton/kilogram, gravity on Mercury is 3.7 newton/kilogram. You can write a proportion for that; or else you can first work out the mass, then use this to calculate the weight on Mercury.

Why scientist reject newtons third law of motion?

The third law is rejected by scientists, it has been proven to work, and has been accepted by the scientific community.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that?

Joules is the unit of work being done. A 200 Ib man exerts 882 Newtons is not getting any work done. If 882 Newtons, which is the force, was multiplied by 0 movement, then the 200 Ib man is exerting 0 joules.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that if he jumps a meter into the air?

To calculate the work done, we multiply force by distance, so in this case: Work = Force x Distance Work = 882 Newtons x 1 meter = 882 Joules Therefore, the man does 882 Joules of work when he jumps a meter into the air on Earth.

What year were newtons three laws found?

Isaac Newton's three laws of motion were published in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.

Do newtons laws work for outer space?


What is the exertion of a force on an object called that produces motion in the direction of a force?

The exertion of a force on an object that produces motion in the direction of the force is called work. Work is calculated as the force applied multiplied by the distance moved in the direction of the force, and it is a measure of energy transfer.

What work is done in one complete orbit by the earth on a space station that orbits the earth at 375 km above the earth positive?

The work done by the Earth on the space station is zero since the force of gravity is perpendicular to the motion of the space station. This means that there is no displacement in the direction of the force, and thus no work is done.