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Q: Why does my shoulder click after a broken collarbone?
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What bone is in the shoulder blade?

the collarbone.

Is the layman's name for the scapula the collarbone?

No. Layman's term for scapula is "shoulder blade". The "collarbone" is the claivcle.

What the difference between a broken clavicle and a broken collarbone?

There is no difference. A collarbone is the common name for clavicle which is the anatomical name.

Is the collarbone intermediate between the breastbone and shoulder?

Yes, the collarbone (clavicle) is located between the breastbone (sternum) and shoulder blade (scapula). It connects the arm to the body and helps with shoulder movement.

Do you get a cast for a broken collar bone?

Yes, a broken collarbone is typically treated with a sling or brace to immobilize the arm and shoulder. In some cases, surgery may be needed to realign the bone fragments. It is rare for a cast to be used specifically for a broken collarbone as the collarbone is a mobile bone.

What is the shoulder?

The shoulder is the junction of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the collarbone (clavicle), and the shoulder blade (scapula).

What is clavicle bone Name the bones in shoulder?

The clavicle bone, also known as the collarbone, connects the arm to the body. The bones in the shoulder include the clavicle (collarbone), scapula (shoulder blade), and humerus (upper arm bone).

How do you describe clavicle?

The clavicle is a long, curved bone located in the shoulder region. Also known as the collarbone, it connects the arm to the body and helps support the shoulder. The clavicle is important for shoulder movement and stability.

Is the clavicle the name for the collarbone?

Yes, that is correct. The clavicle is the bone that connects the shoulder to the chest and is commonly known as the collarbone due to its positioning at the base of the neck.

What is the 10 letter word for the bone in your shoulder?


What is the origin and insertion of the shoulder muscles?

The shoulder muscles originate from the scapula (shoulder blade) and the clavicle (collarbone) and insert into the humerus (upper arm bone).

What is shouldered?

The shoulder is the junction of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the collarbone (clavicle), and the shoulder blade (scapula).