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isopropanol/Ispropyl (or called rubbing alcohol) is a solvent that has polar molecules (molecules with a positive charged molecule that sticks to a negative charged molecule).

If you sniff a sharpie, it has a sharp, alcohol smell, right? Sharpies have n-propanol alcohol, n-butanol, and diacetone alcohol in them. They have pretty similar structures to rubbing alcohol. All alcohol have polar molecules.

There is a "like dissolve like" rule. This means Polar solvent+Polar solvent=dissolve/removal. OR non-polar solvent+nonpolar solvent=dissolve/removal.

The closer the types of molecule and chemical make-ups are, the more likely they are to dissolve or be removed.

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Isopropyl alcohol is a solvent that can break down the ink in Sharpie markers, making it easier to lift the stain from surfaces. The alcohol helps to dissolve the pigments in the ink, allowing them to be wiped away.

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Q: Why does isopropyl alcohol work to remove sharpie stains?
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What are the domestic uses of isopropyl alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, has many uses around the home. These include cleaning hard to get out stains such as ones caused by Sharpie pens, cleaning and disinfecting minor scrapes and cuts, and gently cleaning electronic equipment. It can sometimes help scratched DVDs and CDs still play OK.

What is the chemical used to remove Parker ink stains and how it works?

A common chemical used to remove Parker ink stains is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). It works by breaking down the ink pigments, making them easier to lift off the surface. Simply apply a small amount of isopropyl alcohol to a clean cloth and dab at the stain until it lifts away.

How do you get sharpie out of a jersey?

To remove Sharpie from a jersey, you can try using rubbing alcohol or a stain remover specifically designed for removing ink stains. Apply the product to the stained area and gently blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is gone, then wash the jersey according to the care instructions.

What stains work on a resin surface?

Acetone or isopropyl alcohol can be used to remove stains on resin surfaces. For tougher stains, you may need to use a mild abrasive cleaner or sand the area lightly. Always test in a small inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not damage the resin finish.

What chemical removes sharpie stains?

Isopropyl alcohol can be effective in removing Sharpie stains from surfaces. Simply dampen a cloth with isopropyl alcohol and gently rub the stained area until the Sharpie mark fades or disappears. Test the alcohol on a small inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not damage the surface.

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What type of alcohol is used to remove bleach stains from clothing?

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, can be used to remove bleach stains from clothing. Simply dab the stained area with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol, then wash the garment as usual.

Can baking soda get out sharpie stains?

I have never heard of baking soda used on sharpie stains. But, I do know that denatured alcohol will break down the sharpie stains, but you will need some tide or shout spot treatment after using the denatured alcohol to pull out the stain. It worked for me!

Why doesn't laundry detergent remove sharpie?

Laundry detergent is designed to remove water-based stains, but Sharpie ink is oil-based. Oil-based stains like Sharpie ink require a specialized stain remover or treatment to effectively remove them from fabric.

Can you clean sharpie stains with bleach?

It is not recommended to clean sharpie stains with bleach as it may cause the ink to spread and damage the surface. It is better to use rubbing alcohol or a commercial ink stain remover to tackle sharpie stains.

What are the domestic uses of isopropyl alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, has many uses around the home. These include cleaning hard to get out stains such as ones caused by Sharpie pens, cleaning and disinfecting minor scrapes and cuts, and gently cleaning electronic equipment. It can sometimes help scratched DVDs and CDs still play OK.

How do you remove sharpie stains from desk?

You can try using rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover on a cotton ball to gently dab and remove the sharpie stains from the desk. Test a small inconspicuous area first to check for any damage to the desk surface. Alternatively, you can try using a Magic Eraser or a commercial stain remover specifically designed for removing ink stains.

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You can use isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) on a wet paper towel to remove a stain, or for major stains, you can use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

How do you remove ink stains from rexine?

There are several ways that can remove ink stains from rexine. Applying isopropyl alcohol to a cotton ball or rag and rubbing it on the stain should remove it. Another way is to use hairspray, but test it out on a small area to make sure it doesn't discolor the rexine.

What type of cleaner removes ink stains best?

Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol can effectively remove ink stains from surfaces. Simply soak a cloth or cotton ball in alcohol and blot the stain until it lifts. Alternatively, commercial stain removers specifically designed for ink stains may also work well.

What alcohol is used for washing clothing?

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, can be used to spot clean and remove stains from clothing. It is a common household item that is useful for disinfecting and cleaning fabrics.

What is the chemical used to remove Parker ink stains and how it works?

A common chemical used to remove Parker ink stains is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). It works by breaking down the ink pigments, making them easier to lift off the surface. Simply apply a small amount of isopropyl alcohol to a clean cloth and dab at the stain until it lifts away.

How do you get sharpie out of a jersey?

To remove Sharpie from a jersey, you can try using rubbing alcohol or a stain remover specifically designed for removing ink stains. Apply the product to the stained area and gently blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is gone, then wash the jersey according to the care instructions.