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if you would put a glass wine cup into the freezer (ice box) and take it out and run it under steaming hot water, it will break, its just like ice take dircetly from the freezer and put it under hot water you will here it crackle and break!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Glass breaks when exposed to rapid changes in temperature because different parts of the glass expand and contract at different rates. When one side of the glass is exposed to cold temperatures and the other side remains warm, the uneven expansion and contraction can create stress within the glass, leading to cracks and ultimately breakage.

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Q: Why does glass break when exposed to cold temperature on the outside and warm temperature on the inside?
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Glass can indeed break or crack when exposed to rapid temperature changes. This is because different parts of the glass expand and contract at different rates when the temperature changes, leading to stress within the material that can cause it to crack or shatter. This is why it's important to avoid sudden temperature changes when handling glass objects.