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Water easily absorb carbon dioxide or other gases from the atmosphere.

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That means ' You will be informed shortly'

How is use shortly in a sentence?

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Shortly is not a verb but instead is an adverb. An adverb is used to modify another adverb, phrase, clause, adjective or a verb. An example of shortly used in a sentence is, she left shortly after he did.

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"Shortly" is usually an adverb, used to describe when something will happen soon or briefly.

Write it Down?

Many people who suffer from migraines also have triggers which contribute to the headaches. When exposed to these triggers, a migraine can start instantly, or shortly following exposure. You can get migraine relief by figuring out your triggers using a headache journal. Write down all food eaten that day and how you feel after. If you have any food triggers, you will begin to see a pattern, such as getting a migraine shortly after drinking alcohol or eating chocolate.

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Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.Octavian Augustus died shortly before his 77th birthday.