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Chemists are constantly learning more about what makes chemicals dangerous...

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8y ago

chemist still have older existing chemicals that remain dangerous

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Q: Why does chemicals remain a safety concern today?
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Why does chemical safety remain concern today?

Chemists are constantly learning more about what makes chemicals dangerous...

Why do chemical safety remain a concern today?

Chemists are constantly learning more about what makes chemicals dangerous.

Why does chemical remain a concern today?

Chemist are consistanly learning more about what makes chemicals dangerous.

Why do chemical safety remain a safety today?

Chemists are constantly learning more about what makes chemicals dangerous.

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Are electronics decomposable?

No. They have to be taken apart and recycled. There are chemicals in some electronic devices. A new concern should be hybrid batteries that many cars have today. The batteries only last about 10 years and contain chemicals that make them work . In the next few years as the cars get older the batteries will need,to be recycled.

What is a subject sentence for safety?

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