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It doesn`t

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1mo ago

Bacteria need time to multiply because their growth involves a series of cellular processes, including replication of DNA, synthesis of proteins, and cell division. This takes time to complete each step of the process, resulting in a lag phase before exponential growth is seen. Additionally, environmental factors such as nutrient availability and competition from other microbes can impact the rate of bacterial multiplication.

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How fast do bacteria multiply?

In order for bacteria to multiply, they need warmth, moisture, food and time. There is no definitive answer as to how fast bacteria multiply since different bacteria grow at different rates. However, given the right environment, some bacteria can start to multiply immediately.

What does not need a host organism to live and multiply?

Bacteria do not need a host organism to live and multiply.

What do bacteria need to multiply?

Heat i think

What bacteria need in order to multiply?

i dont know i am in the stupid class

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A common bacteria, E.coli, will multiply very fast. For example, an E.Coli will multiply into over a million bacteria in 8 hours.

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Many bacteria and viruses need time to multiply before any signs and symptoms can be seen.

What makes Bacteria multiply?

bacteria need to be at the right temperature to multiply (room temperature) which is why we freeze/cook food, temperatures that are to hot and too cold kill the spores (bacteria) and therefore kill them

What are the 4 conditions bacteria need to multiply?

Great Britain (UK) Bacteria need certain conditions to grow in food such as warmth, moisture, nutrients and a special pH. Most of the pathogenic bacteria in food multiply rapidly between 10 to 60 degrees Celsius (the "danger zone"). That is the reason why cold food always should be stored lower than 7 degrees in the fridge.

How much bacteria can multiply in a day?

Different types of bacteria will probably multiply at different rates.

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You need to multiply 6.8581 by ten once to get 68.581.

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Bacteria are bad at math because they divide to multiply.