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it gives us life to us and to all the living organisms

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Oxygen is important to ecosystems because it is used by all living organisms in a process called cellular respiration which provides the cell with energy known as adenine triphosphate or ATP.

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Q: Why does an ecosystem need oxygen?
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How do plants and animals both survive in an airtight ecosystem?

The plants give the bugs the oxygen they need to breath. The bugs breath out carbon dioxide which the plants need.

Why is oxygen bad in water?

Excess oxygen in water can be harmful because it can lead to faster oxidation and degradation of organic matter. This can affect aquatic organisms by decreasing the availability of oxygen they need to survive, leading to negative impacts on the ecosystem.

How does the circulating water in a standing-water ecosystem affect the ecosystem?

The circulating water in a standing-water ecosystem helps distribute nutrients and oxygen to different parts of the ecosystem. It also helps regulate temperature and can reduce the buildup of toxins or pollutants in the water. Additionally, water circulation can influence the distribution of organisms and their interactions within the ecosystem.

Why do we need plants what would happen if we didnt have them?

Plants are vital for the ecosystem as they produce oxygen through photosynthesis, provide food for animals, and help regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. Without plants, the food chain would collapse, and the atmosphere would be lacking oxygen, which would lead to a catastrophic imbalance in the ecosystem.

Why does biotic and abiotic affect environment?

no we pretty much need living organisms to live ourselfs we need the oxygen from the trees so we can breath it in! no we pretty much need living organisms to live ourselfs we need the oxygen from the trees so we can breath it in!

Related questions

How human need plants in different climate?

to get oxygen , alive and also for ecosystem

Why are green plants important to oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Therefore, we, as animals who need oxygen to breathe, must have green plants in our ecosystem in order to survive.

Which is an abiotic that can be found in a rain forest ecosystem?

Oxygen. Apex-OXYGEN

How do plants and animals both survive in an airtight ecosystem?

The plants give the bugs the oxygen they need to breath. The bugs breath out carbon dioxide which the plants need.

How does circulating water in standing water ecosystem affect the ecosystem?

Helps didtribute heat, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the ecosystem.

Which is an abiotic factor that can be found in a rain forest ecosystem?

Oxygen. Apex-OXYGEN

What does oxygen provide for the ecosystem?

Oxygen is vital for the survival of many organisms in the ecosystem as it is a key component of respiration, where organisms convert nutrients into energy. Additionally, oxygen plays a critical role in the decomposition of organic matter by decomposers, helping to cycle nutrients through the ecosystem.

Why is oxygen bad in water?

Excess oxygen in water can be harmful because it can lead to faster oxidation and degradation of organic matter. This can affect aquatic organisms by decreasing the availability of oxygen they need to survive, leading to negative impacts on the ecosystem.

Why do we need plankton?

Plankton supplies the world with 80% of its oxygen. Also, like any other organism, if they die out they mess up the ecosystem.

How does an algal bloom affects the oxygen levels in a lake ecosystem?

An algal bloom can lead to decreased oxygen levels in a lake ecosystem through a process called eutrophication. As the algae die and decompose, bacteria consume oxygen during the decomposition process, depleting oxygen levels in the water. This decrease in oxygen can harm aquatic organisms that rely on oxygen to survive, resulting in fish kills and disruptions to the ecosystem.

What is true about the cycling of oxygen in a pond ecosystem?

In a pond ecosystem, oxygen is produced through photosynthesis by aquatic plants. This oxygen is used by aquatic organisms like fish for respiration. Decomposers in the pond break down organic matter, releasing nutrients and consuming oxygen in the process. This cycling of oxygen is vital for maintaining the balance of the pond ecosystem.

What abiotics are found in the rain forest ecosystem?
