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Because the number of positive charged protons equal the number of negatively charged electrons to make up a neutral element. If you take one of the electrons away you disturb that balance and now you have more positively charged protons and the atom now gas a positive charge.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

When an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged because the number of protons in the nucleus is greater than the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus. Protons carry a positive charge, while electrons carry a negative charge. With one less negatively charged electron, the atom becomes overall positively charged.

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Q: Why does an atom turn positive when you take an electron away from it?
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Why if you take an electron way from another the atom shows up positive?

When an electron is removed from an atom, it results in an imbalance of positive and negative charges within the atom. Since the atom now has more protons (positively charged particles) than electrons (negatively charged particles), the atom becomes positively charged overall. This positive charge is due to the unbalanced attraction between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and the remaining negatively charged electrons.

Which type of atom becomes positive and why?

an atom becomes positive when that atom gives their electron to other atom....when the atom reacts it is called ion not atom... so that means that ion has charge of ion+..... atom has to give or take( in this case give) electron to make their outer most shell full

How can uyour tell the atom has a positive charge?

All atoms have a positive charge, but the best way to determine a positive charge is to do an experiment. You take something positively charged and put it next to the atom. If it repels, it is positively charged. If it attracts, it is negatively charged.

What energy is needed to remove an electron from its outer most shell?

This is called the ionization energy and an is different for each electron in the atom. Electrons in the outer shell (furthest from the nucleus) have the lowest ionization energy, electrons in the innermost shell (closest to the nucleus) have the highest ionization energy.

How do you charge atoms into an ion?

You take an electron from an atom, or force one into it

Related questions

What happens to the charge of an atom if you take one electron away?

If you take one electron away from an atom, the atom becomes positively charged because it has one less negatively charged electron compared to its positively charged protons, resulting in an overall positive charge.

What would you get if you took an electron away from an atom?

If you remove an electron from an atom, the atom becomes positively charged because it now has one less negatively charged electron to balance its positively charged protons. The resulting charged atom is called an ion.

Why is the H plus ion referred to as a proton?

Because it is a proton. A hydrogen atom is a proton and an electron; if you take the electron away to form a positive ion, all that's left is the proton.

Why if you take an electron way from another the atom shows up positive?

When an electron is removed from an atom, it results in an imbalance of positive and negative charges within the atom. Since the atom now has more protons (positively charged particles) than electrons (negatively charged particles), the atom becomes positively charged overall. This positive charge is due to the unbalanced attraction between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and the remaining negatively charged electrons.

Which type of atom becomes positive and why?

an atom becomes positive when that atom gives their electron to other atom....when the atom reacts it is called ion not atom... so that means that ion has charge of ion+..... atom has to give or take( in this case give) electron to make their outer most shell full

What is the definition of when an atom gains an electron it becomes a positive ion?

An atom becomes a positive ion when it a) is attracted to all nearby atoms, b) gains an electron from another atom, c) loses an electron to another atom, or d) shares an electron with another atom.An atom becomes a positive ion when it loses an electron to another atom.In a neutral atom, the number of electrons in orbit around the nucleus equals the number of protons in that nucleus. The charges are balanced. If you begin removing electrons, this will result in a charge imbalance. The number of protons (the positive charges within the nucleus) will then be greater than the number of negatively charged electrons, and the atom will take on an overall positive charge.keilen

When electrons are lost from an atom what type of ions are formed?

When electrons are lost from an atom, positively charged ions are formed. These ions are called cations.

Can an atoms take away an electron from an atom of another element?

Yes, atoms can take away electrons from atoms of other elements through a process called ionization. This can result in the formation of ions with a positive and negative charge, as electrons are transferred between atoms.

Compare the size of the radius of a negative ion to its neutral atom?

The size of the Radius of a positve ion is smaller than a neutral atom because the postive ion has lost electrons, which means the outer most shell might be lost as well making the positve ion smaller and the nuetral atom remains the same

Can atoms be ionized by being excited?

Yes, atoms can be ionized by being excited. When an atom absorbs enough energy to move an electron to a higher energy level, it can become ionized by losing that electron. This process creates an ion with a positive charge.

What happen when you take way an electron and a proton?

I think you won't have a atom because the electron, proton and neutron is the basic part of the atom.

What energy is needed to remove an electron from its outer most shell?

This is called the ionization energy and an is different for each electron in the atom. Electrons in the outer shell (furthest from the nucleus) have the lowest ionization energy, electrons in the innermost shell (closest to the nucleus) have the highest ionization energy.