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It does not want to be killed, and probably eaten, by the animal that attacked it, so it will either fight or run away. It's life is at stake. It's trying to defend itself in the best way possible. It's a life or death struggle.

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Animals may run away or fight when attacked as a survival instinct to protect themselves and ensure their safety. This behavior is often driven by the need to defend against threats and dangers posed by other animals, and is an essential part of their natural survival instincts.

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Q: Why does an animal run away from another animal or fight if attacked?
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Why would an animal run away from another animal or fight when it is attacked?

People use animals to fight because they believe it is a fun sport. However it is illegal for it is animal abuse. People need to stop this horrible fighting!

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Why would an animal run away from other animal or fight when it attacked?

If the animal runs away it is usually because it is submissive or insecure. But if it stands up to the other animal, it is sure of it's power and strength. And a dominant animal. My dog for example is very submissive and would cower down, roll over on her back, or run away. Hope this helps! =D

What do the Romans do to the animals after a fight?

If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.If you mean the animals used in the gladiatorial animal hunts, they were killed during the fight. If you mean the horses of the cavalry after a battle, their wounds were patched up and they were given a rest. If you mean an animal against animal fight, the winner was led away to fight again, if able.

How does a lion look after itself?

It has inherited traits from its mother and father, which help it know what to do, and how to hunt, but it would also have learned behaviors because it would probaly see other animals or lions and learn from them. Like if another animal tries to attack it, it then knows to stay away from the animal that that attacked it.

What is creatures?

An animal that can harm you or another animal using teeth, claws or poison. Stay away from these animals.

Who would win a fight a black bear or a gnu?

Most likely the black bear. A black bear has good enough weight and an appropiate size with bad aggression that is enough to kill a gnu. A gnu would always run away from attacks unless if it was cornered or was attacked by a smaller animal.

What is dangerous creatures?

An animal that can harm you or another animal using teeth, claws or poison. Stay away from these animals.

Why did pterodactyl fight?

Pterodactylus was small and built for flight, so it wasn't designed with the kind of durability to fight. Perhaps they fought with other Pterodactylus, but there is no evidence that they fought with anything. If attacked, a Pterodactylus would just fly away, like a bird.

Would a lion fight another lion?

Of course it would! Lions fight and even kill other lions to keep away from their food and territory.

What tactics did Bolivar use when he was defeated militarily?

Bolívar ran away, to live to fight on another day.

What does turned tail mean?

It means fled, or ran away. This is a straightforward idiom derived from seeing the tail of an animal as it runs away. To "turn tail" is to turn around and leave, which would typically be the response of a weaker animal to another, stronger animal.