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it goes i incomplete metamorphsis

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Q: Why does a young palm tree grow looking like a palm tree instead of an oak tree?
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They don't. Like many other arthropods, cicadas lay their eggs and then die; the young grow and develop on their own.

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Like all plants they are producers. We often think of "weeds" are pests that grow where they shouldn't but they are looking to grow and made seeds like most plants do.

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I think you may be looking for the word appendages.

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Well, if you grow it from seed, you don't know the characteristics of the actual plant as where if you grow it with pollen & stuff, you can know what it might look like by what the "parents" looked like.

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A water bug that looks like a type of grasshopper?

More than likely what you are describing sounds like the larval stage of a dragonfly. When they are young, they look like a grasshopper body. They grow longer and thinner as they grow older and leave the water.