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In a system in equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, resulting in no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products. This balanced nature of the system makes it appear as if no change is occurring when observed with the unaided eye.

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Q: Why does a system in equilibrium appear to the unaided eye as if no change is taking place?
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No, order can't spontaneously appear in a macroscopic closed system which has reached thermal equilibrium.

When a change is introduced to a system in equilibrium the equilibrium shifts in the direction that relieves the stress on the system is known as?

Le Chatelier's Principle. This principle states that when a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change, it will adjust to counteract the change and restore equilibrium.

When a system is at equilibrium what is delta S?

At equilibrium, the change in entropy (ΔS) of the system is zero. This means that the system is in a state of maximum entropy where there is no further tendency for change in the system.

What happens when a system in equilibrium is subjected to change?

equilibrium readjusts itself and a new equilibrium is established

If a change is made to a system in equilibrium the equilibrium will shift to oppose the change.?

Yes, this is the principle of Le Chatelier.

What does Le chateliers principles say about upsetting a system at equilibrium?

Le Chatelier's principle says that if a system in chemical equilibrium is disturbed, the system will move in such a way as to nullify that change.

What characterize a system at equilibrium?

There is no net change to the system. (apex).

What would happen to a a system at equilibrium if the temperature were changed?

the equilibrium constant would change

How does a system respond to change once it has reached equilibrium?

At equilibrium its not changing (any more).

What would happen to a system a equilibrium if the temperature were changed?

the equilibrium constant would change

What does Le chateliers principal say about upsetting system at equilibrium?

Le Chatelier's Principle states that when a chemical system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in conditions, the system will shift to counteract the change and establish a new equilibrium. This can involve changes in concentration, pressure, or temperature to minimize the disturbance.

What does Le Châtelier's principle state?

A reaction at equilibrium will respond to balance a change. :D