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A star has been burning for so many years that all of the hydrogen and helium is just sucked out of it and after a star burns out, let's say if the sun were to burn out, then it would collapse into a red giant. Bigger and more massive stars collapse into super giants. But if the sun were to collapse into a red giant, it would become bigger and bigger and eventually suck in all of the planets in the solar system. Even if the red giant weren't to reach out as far, the gravitational pull would suck in all of the other planets. And red giants or super giants only live a short amount of time before either turning into a white dwarf or a supernova, depending on its mass.

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2w ago

When a star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core, the core no longer produces enough energy to counteract the force of gravity pulling the star inward. This leads to a contraction of the star's core, causing it to shrink. The outer layers of the star may expand, leading to changes in the star's overall size and appearance.

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14y ago

Yes at first its made of dust in the space the it will form a star with a blue-white colored star, then yellow, our sun today (2010) is a yellow star, the a red giant it can be a nova that will lead to a black hole or a white star then a black dwarf

Another reply: Obviously they run out of fuel. To understand this doesn't require advanced nuclear physics: it follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.

What actually happens, though, is that stars get their energy from convertir hydrogen to helium, and later in their life (for some stars), converting hydrogen to heavier elements. Eventually, they will run out of the lighter elements, and can produce no more energy. Small stars (the vast majority of stars in the Universe) are not as wasteful of their fuel as the bigger stars, and this process can take trillions of years.

About the collapse, it seems that all stars will collapse once they run out of fuel. Depending on their mass, they can turn into a white dwarf, a neutron star (a.k.a. pulsar), or a black hole.

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13y ago

the star shrinks because the nuclear helps the star grow so with out it the star will shrink

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Q: Why does a star shrink when its core runs out of nuclear fuel?
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True or false as nuclear fuel runs out a star's internal structure and its mechanism for producing pressure change to counteract gravity?

True. As a star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core, the balance between pressure and gravity is upset. This can lead to the core collapsing and triggering other nuclear reactions in different regions of the star, which in turn can cause the star to undergo changes in its internal structure and mechanisms for producing pressure.

Which progression do astronomers expect our sun to follow as it runs out of fuel?

When the sun runs out of fuel it is expected to turn into a red supergiant engulfing earth. Then it is supposed to shrink into a white dwarf.

What element does a star run out of that causes them to die?

A star dies when it runs out of fuel to sustain nuclear fusion in its core. This fuel is mainly hydrogen, which gets converted into helium through nuclear fusion. Once the star runs out of hydrogen, it will expand and eventually collapse, leading to its death in a supernova explosion.

The death of a star occurs when its?

The death of a star occurs when its nuclear fusion processes can no longer sustain the outward pressure generated by the energy produced in its core. This can lead to the star collapsing under its own gravity, culminating in a supernova explosion or the formation of a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole depending on its mass.

What triggers a super nova?

A supernova occurs when a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity, leading to a powerful explosion. This can happen when a star's core reaches the end of its fusion process and can no longer support the star against its own gravity.

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True or false as nuclear fuel runs out a star's internal structure and its mechanism for producing pressure change to counteract gravity?

True. As a star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core, the balance between pressure and gravity is upset. This can lead to the core collapsing and triggering other nuclear reactions in different regions of the star, which in turn can cause the star to undergo changes in its internal structure and mechanisms for producing pressure.

Which progression do astronomers expect our sun to follow as it runs out of fuel?

When the sun runs out of fuel it is expected to turn into a red supergiant engulfing earth. Then it is supposed to shrink into a white dwarf.

What is formed when a red supergiant runs out of fuel at its core?

black hole

What element does a star run out of that causes them to die?

A star dies when it runs out of fuel to sustain nuclear fusion in its core. This fuel is mainly hydrogen, which gets converted into helium through nuclear fusion. Once the star runs out of hydrogen, it will expand and eventually collapse, leading to its death in a supernova explosion.

Why do stars stop shining?

Stars stop shining when they exhaust their nuclear fuel in their cores. As the fuel runs out, the star's core collapses under its own gravity and the outer layers are expelled in a supernova explosion. The remaining core might become a dense object like a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole, and it will no longer shine brightly.

The sun will go into its dying stages when what runs out?

The sun will enter its dying stages when it runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core. This will trigger the expansion of the sun into a red giant, followed by the shedding of its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, ultimately leaving behind a cooling core known as a white dwarf.

The death of a star occurs when its?

The death of a star occurs when its nuclear fusion processes can no longer sustain the outward pressure generated by the energy produced in its core. This can lead to the star collapsing under its own gravity, culminating in a supernova explosion or the formation of a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole depending on its mass.

Why does a star's hydrogen supply run out?

A star's hydrogen supply runs out because of nuclear fusion in its core. As hydrogen is fused into heavier elements like helium, the star's core temperature increases, causing it to expand and cool. Eventually, the core runs out of hydrogen to fuse, leading to the star's evolution into a different phase.

How is the red-giant formed?

A red giant forms when a star runs out of hydrogen fuel at its core and starts fusing hydrogen in a shell around the core the core. This causes the star to expand and cool.

What triggers a super nova?

A supernova occurs when a massive star exhausts its nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity, leading to a powerful explosion. This can happen when a star's core reaches the end of its fusion process and can no longer support the star against its own gravity.

When a main sequence star runs out of hydrogen to fuel the core of which type of star begins to form?

red giant

What is the hottest part of a star?

It depends on how massive the star is and what part of its life its at. Most of the time the core is the hottest, but after a star runs out of its current fuel it will start fusing elements in a shell around its core out to the surface or photosphere. While these shells are burning they are the temporary hotspots of the star, while the core gets hotter and hotter.