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because its lazy!!

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1y ago

The transmission of information along nerve pathways takes time because the brain processes incoming signals in stages. As signals travel through the nerves, they must pass through multiple synapses, which are junctions between neurons that allow for the transfer of electrical or chemical signals. The amount of time it takes for a signal to travel from its origin to its destination depends on a variety of factors, such as the length of the nerve pathway and how efficiently it is functioning.

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15y ago

In man, the normal speed of nerve impulse is 45meter/sec and is about 100-125m/sec in medulated nerve fibers In nerve a small fiber conduct about 250 impulses per second

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Q: Why does a message moving along nerve pathways take time to get to the brain?
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Sensory pathways travel from the body to the brain. They carry information from sensory receptors in the body to the brain where the information is processed and interpreted.

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When you touch something what sends a message to your brain?

Your afferent neurons send a message to your brain.

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The small groups of nerves outside the brain are called ganglia. Ganglia are clusters of nerve cell bodies (neurons) that are part of the peripheral nervous system and can be found along nerve pathways.

Can pathways be visible or invisible?

Pathways can be both visible and invisible depending on their characteristics. Visible pathways include physical structures like roads and walkways, while invisible pathways may refer to neural networks in the brain or the flow of resources in an ecosystem.