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Brownian motion. Molecules move faster as things warm up. When the molecules move faster around the tablet, more of the tablet is disturbed, and therefore, dissolves quicker.

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11y ago

Molecules move faster around the tablet.

The tablet gets disturbed and dissolves quicker

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Q: Why does a crushed antacid pill pill dissolve faster than a whole pill in water?
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It can take a few minutes to fully dissolve an antacid tablet in salt water, depending on the size of the tablet and the concentration of salt in the water. The effervescence of the antacid tablet will help to speed up the dissolution process.

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Dissolving an antacid tablet in water can have an endothermic effect, meaning it absorbs heat from the surroundings and lowers the temperature of the water. This happens because the reaction between the antacid and water requires energy to break the bonds in the tablet and dissolve it.

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The surface area increase by grinding and the possibility of contact of water molecules with the material of course is higher.

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No, because that gas is CO2.

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If the crushed ice was in water will it melt faster than crushed ice by itself in a cup?

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