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The cloudier your plasma is, the more platelets it has.

I have not found any reference to the amount of platelets and plasma turbidity. Please see next answer...

"Turbid, cloudy or milky serum (lipemic serum) may be produced by the presence of fatty substances (lipids) in the blood. Bacterial contamination may also cause cloudy serum. Moderately or grossly lipemic specimens may alter certain test results.

A recent meal may produce transient lipemia; therefore, we recommend that patients fast 12-16 hours before a blood specimen is obtained."

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Q: Why does a colloid appear cloudy?
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What is a sample of a colloid?

Milk is a common example of a colloid. The fat globules suspended in the liquid give it a cloudy or opaque appearance, characteristic of colloids.

What does it mean that colloids scatter light?

When colloids scatter light, it means that the particles in the colloid are large enough to disrupt the path of light passing through them. This scattering effect causes the light to be reflected in different directions, making the colloid appear cloudy or opaque.

Does a solution appear cloudy?

A cloudy appearance in a solution can indicate the presence of particles or impurities that are not fully dissolved. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incomplete mixing, chemical reactions, or the formation of a precipitate.

What type of mixture scatters light?

Colloids are mixtures that contain small particles suspended in a medium. These particles are large enough to scatter light, causing the mixture to appear cloudy or opaque when light is shone through it.

Is urine an example of a colloid?

No, urine is not an example of a colloid. Urine is a liquid solution composed of water, electrolytes, and waste products dissolved in it. A colloid is a mixture where one substance is finely dispersed in another substance, creating a cloudy or milky appearance.

How can a torch be used to test a colloid?

A torch can be used to test a colloid by shining the light through the colloid. If the colloid scatters the light making it visible (Tyndall effect), then it is a colloid. This is because the particles in the colloid are large enough to scatter light, unlike particles in a solution which are too small.

What type of mixture produces the Tyndall effect?

Colloids produce the Tyndall effect. This effect occurs when light scatters as it passes through the colloidal particles in the mixture, making the colloid appear opaque or cloudy when viewed under a light source.

Does a colloid block light?

Yes, colloids can block or scatter light due to the dispersion of particles within the medium. This phenomenon is known as the Tyndall effect and is commonly observed in colloidal suspensions where light is reflected or absorbed by the dispersed particles, making the solution appear cloudy or opaque.

Can light shine through a colloid?

Yes, light can shine through a colloid because the particles in a colloid are small enough to allow light to pass through without scattering it. This is why colloids appear transparent or translucent.

Name a colloid that you can see through?

Whipped cream is an example of a colloid that you can see through. It consists of tiny air bubbles dispersed in a liquid, giving it a cloudy appearance while still allowing light to pass through.

Is hot tea a solution suspension or a colloid?

Hot tea is a colloid. It consists of tiny particles of tea leaves dispersed throughout the liquid (water), giving it a cloudy appearance.

Is salt and pepper a colloid or a solution?
