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They appear blue because they are made up from:

1. Hydrogen and helium

2. Water and ammonia

3. And the middle is a molten ammonia core

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If you're anus is blue or green youhave a problem.

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The blue appearance of our solar system's outermost planets, Uranus and Neptune, results from methane within these planets' atmospheres absorbing the red wavelengths of light.

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Q: Why does Neptune or Uranus appear bluish or greenish in color?
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Which planets are bluish in color?

Neptune and Uranus are both bluish in color.

What is the blue gassy planet?

Uranus and Neptune are bluish gas planets.

Planet between Saturn and Neptune?

The planet between Saturn and Neptune is Uranus. Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and is known for its unique sideways rotation and bluish-green color.

Who are Uranus's neighbors?

In terms of neighbors Uranus has two. It has Saturn with its spectacular ring system, and Neptune a bluish, almost similar planet.

What planet has gas that gives it a bluish color?

Uranus is the planet with a bluish color due to the presence of methane gas in its atmosphere. The methane gas absorbs red light and reflects blue light, giving Uranus its distinct hue.

Neptune is very similar in size and color to?

Neptune is very similar in size and color to its gas giant neighbor, Uranus. Both planets are composed mostly of hydrogen, helium, and methane, giving them a bluish appearance. They also both have similar dimensions, with Neptune being slightly smaller in mass and diameter compared to Uranus.

How are uranus and Neptune different?

Uranus and Neptune are both ice giants in our solar system, but they differ in their size and color. Uranus is slightly smaller than Neptune and has a bluish-green hue due to methane in its atmosphere, while Neptune is a deeper blue color. Additionally, Neptune has the strongest winds in the solar system, reaching speeds of up to 1,300 mph.

Why does Uranus look bluish?

Uranus appears bluish because its atmosphere is made up of methane gas, which absorbs red light and reflects blue light. This gives the planet its distinctive blue-green color.

What planet is green blue and gaseous?

The planet you may be referring to is Uranus. Uranus appears greenish-blue due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. It is classified as an ice giant planet and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium gases.

A Planet with blue color?

A planet with a blue color could indicate the presence of water on its surface. Water reflects blue light, which can give the planet a bluish appearance when viewed from a distance. This may suggest the potential for liquid water and the possibility of supporting life.

What is the reason why Uranus appears to be bluish green?

Uranus is bluish-green because of methane gas in the atmosphere.

What planet's blue color is the result of absorption of red light by methane?

Uranus is the planet whose blue color is the result of absorption of red light by methane in its atmosphere. Methane absorbs red light and reflects blue light, giving Uranus its distinct blue hue.