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Capricorn means "horned goat" in Greek.

Capricorn got it's name by fighting Typhoon (a monster that could manipulate water) and then got the name from one of the gods. Then got placed in the sky.

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14y ago
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11y ago

All the constellations are attempts to organize the stars for recognition. Capricorn doesn't look much like a sea-goat to most people (few of the constellations closely resemble what they're named for) but someone felt it was just close enough to help them remember it.

There isn't any real consistent legend about why there should be a goat-fish in the sky. Capricornus has been variously identified with Amalthea, the goat that the young Zeus suckled from (since his father, Cronos, wanted to kill him, his mother Rhea couldn't very well feed him herself) and as Pan, who once transformed himself into a sort of mer-satyr and dove into a river to avoid the monster Typhon.

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8y ago

A story behind the constellation Leo is that it represents the Nemean Lion, which was known to have impenetrable skin. Hercules killed it and it was placed the heavens as one of his conquests.

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11y ago

Leo is a constellation not a single star, but that doesn't really affect the answer.

The reason is that the Earth orbits the Sun. The night sky varies mainly

because the Sun appears in different areas of the sky during the year.

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15y ago

=by the personality of one person in ancient times=

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13y ago

Unlike most constellations, this one actually does look like what it name says, in this case, like a scorpion. Take a look at it, and you might notice.

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12y ago

heyyy ppl i don't really know the answer srry but if u guys can help me i'm doing a project for school so please help ?!?!?!?!?!

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