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Q: Why do you think touch stimuli has a faster reaction time on average than sight?
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A sentence with the word stimuli?

The sight of food can serve as a powerful stimuli that triggers the release of hunger hormones in the body.

What are three of stimuli?

A stimulus is a force that produces a reaction in the subject. Humans have a number of receptors (senses) to recognize their surroundings. Balance is one, sight, hearing, touch are all obvious ones.

List four stimuli you respond to in you daily life?

Sight Sound Temperature Hunger/Thirst

What do you tend to focus your attention on stimuli?

I focus on relevant stimuli that are related to the topic or task at hand. This helps me provide accurate and helpful responses based on the information available.

Why are girls breast considered obscene and must be covered?

It is well known that a women's breast will react to certain stimuli, that is to say cold, feel, and thought, so that reaction would requirte a woman cover here breasts in public. Unless there is a pole in sight.

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What is the definition of sight?

Sight refers to the ability to see and perceive visual stimuli through the eyes. It is one of the five senses that allows an organism to interact with its environment and navigate the world around it.

What is the difference between hearing and sight?

Hearing is the ability to perceive sounds through the ears, while sight is the ability to perceive visual stimuli through the eyes. Both hearing and sight are senses that allow individuals to interact with their environment in different ways.

Is the speed of sight faster than the speed of the light?

No, you sight works via light rays, so it is limited by the speed of light.

What was the average enlistment pay in World War 1?

sight shiluings sight shiluings

Does alcohol affect your sight after a few drinks?

It doesn't affect your sight so much as it affects your reaction speed and ability to focus clearly.