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Q: Why do you think Genes mind was full of so many witty remarks at such a tragic time?
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Where is the song I am the very model of modern general come from?

The song "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" is from the comic opera "The Pirates of Penzance" by Gilbert and Sullivan. It is performed by the character Major-General Stanley in the second act of the opera. The song is known for its fast-paced and witty lyrics.

Who said Last night you lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and you thought to yourself where the heck is the ceiling?

William H. Macy is often credited with this quote. He is an American actor with a witty sense of humor.

Which scientist used his knowledge of astronomy to publish a popular almanac?

Benjamin Franklin used his knowledge of astronomy to publish "Poor Richard's Almanac," a widely popular publication that contained weather forecasts, household tips, and witty sayings. Franklin's almanac became one of the most widely read publications in the American colonies during the 18th century.

What is saucy by nature?

Saucy by nature is a phrase that can have different meanings depending on the context. In general, it means having a bold, cheeky, or playful attitude or behavior. For example, someone who makes witty jokes or flirts with others can be described as saucy by nature. However, the phrase can also have a negative connotation, implying that someone is rude, disrespectful, or arrogant. For example, someone who talks back to their boss or insults their peers can be seen as saucy by nature. Therefore, the phrase should be used with caution and awareness of the situation and the audience. Like this:

How would you defend yourself from an attacking wolverine without a firearm?

In a wolverine attack, it is important to stay calm and avoid sudden movements that might provoke the animal further. Use any available objects to create a barrier between you and the wolverine, such as a stick or backpack. If the wolverine continues to approach, backing away slowly without turning your back can help buy time for help to arrive.

Related questions

How is witty used in a sentence?

Even though I was tired, Jay Leno's witty remarks kept me awake and smiling.

What is the abstract noun of adjective witty?

The abstract noun form for the adjective witty is wittiness.The word 'witty' is the adjective form of the abstract noun wit.The noun 'wit' is a word for a natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence; keen intelligence; a talent for making clever and usually amusing remarks; cleverly amusing remarks; a person noted for making such remarks.

How do you flirt with someone you only see a few seconds a day?

using body language instead of stupid witty remarks

What is witty?

That means that someone is a smart person who is able write or say clever, intelligent and, to a degree, sharp phrases, remarks etc.

What are some sentences with the word witty?

I can't think of a sentence with the word witty.

What is sharped tongue?

"Sharp tongue" typically refers to someone who is very critical or harsh in their language and remarks. It can also refer to someone who is quick-witted and skilled at using cutting or sarcastic remarks.

Is witty an adjective?

Yes, witty is an adjective--a witty person.

What type of remark does mercutio specialize in when he engages in word play?

Mercutio specializes in making puns and wordplay, often using double entendres and clever language to create humor and witty remarks in his conversations.

Who is a smart aleck?

Someone who is always trying to seem more clever than everyone else in a way that is annoying. e.g. Some smart aleck in the audience kept making witty remarks during my talk.

What is the definition of snarkey?

The term "snarky" means being sarcastic, critical, or disrespectful in a sharp or witty manner. It is often used to describe someone who is being sassy or impertinent in their remarks.

What is lifestyle quips?

Lifestyle quips are short, witty or clever remarks or sayings related to lifestyle topics such as fashion, health, beauty, and personal development. They are often used to provide advice, motivation, or entertainment in a lighthearted way.

Would a witty person be described as being?

I think it should be NO