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the stars emitt its own light. But the planets do not have any own light. It absorbs the light from the stars like a sun. It just reflects the light. And also the stars are far away from the earth than the planets. So we can found the twinkling of stars but not the planets.

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1w ago

Stars twinkle because their light passes through Earth's atmosphere, which causes it to be refracted in different directions due to turbulence. Planets, being closer to us and appearing as larger discs of light, are less affected by this atmospheric turbulence, so they do not twinkle as much.

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Q: Why do you see stars twinkling but planets do not?
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Is every thing you see twinkling in the night sky a star explain?

No, because sometimes planes, helicopters, or far off planets look like stars but aren't.

Is twinkling of stars caused by reflaction?

twinkling of stars is caused by refraction

How can you differentiate star and planet in night gazing?

Without an optical aid it could be difficult, as a few stars are as bright as planets. There are some things to look for: 1. stars appear as pin points, planets as very small disks. [Even if you can't see a disk, the result is that planets don't "twinkle". ] Not exactly true. Depending on atmospheric conditions stars may not twinkle. Though planets are less likely to be observed twinkling because your eyes average their light, they may be observed twinkling at times, especially if you can't observe them as a disk. 2. planets are usually brighter than stars. 3. planets will be near the ecliptic - the path the Sun travels across the sky.

How would you describe stars?

i would describe it by saying it is shiny ,but the info u really need would be that every star u see is a planet. Ans.2: It is a bright, apparently twinkling, object in the night sky. But STARS ARE NOT PLANETS - don't be misled!

What are the bright lights next to the moon?

The bright lights next to the moon could be planets such as Venus or Jupiter, or even stars. Planets tend to appear brighter than stars and have a steady, non-twinkling light. The specific location and time of observation can help identify which celestial bodies are next to the moon.

What did you see in the night sky?

I saw a bright full moon surrounded by twinkling stars and a few passing clouds. It was a peaceful and serene sight.

What effect causes twinkling of stars?


Why can you see planets and stars on a night?

The reason you can see planets and stars at night is that their light is faint and the brightness of the sun obscures them during the day. At night, when the sun is not visible, the fainter light from the planets and stars can more readily be seen.

What does a string of twinkling stars mean?

Very shiny

Why overhead stars do not twinkle?

Stars are not twinkling really. It is because of the atmosphere of the earth due to which they appear twinkling. However if they are seen from above the atmosphere of earth then they appear stationary.

Is twinkling an adjective?

It is a verb form from the verb twinkle. If it is a present particle, it can be used as an adjective. Example: The twinkling stars filled the night sky. If it is a gerund , it is used as a noun. Example: He disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Does mars twinkle in the night sky?

Mars does not twinkle in the night sky as much as stars do, because planets are closer to Earth and appear as solid, bright discs of light. Twinkling occurs when starlight is distorted as it passes through Earth's atmosphere, but planets are large enough to not twinkle significantly.