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IF either of the 3 is missing, the fire will can not continue to burn.

The triangle illustrates the rule that in order to ignite and burn, a fire requires three elements: heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent (usually oxygen). The fire is prevented or extinguished by removing any one of them. A fire naturally occurs when the elements are combined in the right mixture.

Throwing water on the fire removes the heat.

Throwing a blanket or using a carbon dioxide extinguisher removes the oxygen.

In the case of a wood fire, removing pieces of wood ( spreading out the wood) removes the fuel

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1mo ago

The fire triangle represents the three elements needed for a fire to ignite and be sustained: heat, fuel, and oxygen. Heat provides the energy to start the fire, fuel sustains the combustion process, and oxygen supports the chemical reaction with the fuel. Removing any one of these elements will extinguish the fire.

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Why cant you set a fire to the Moon's surface?

there is no oxygen on the moon, therefore, a fire could not start because in the fire triangle, (the materials needed to start a fire) the fire needs oxygen, which the moon does not have, fuel, and heat.

What a ingredients are needed to support a fire?

To support a fire, you need three key ingredients: fuel (such as wood, paper, or gas), oxygen (from the air), and heat (from a spark, flame, or other ignition source). These three components together create the fire triangle, which is necessary for combustion to occur.

What 2 elements can produce a common substance that could extinguish fires when chemically combined?

The removal of air (oxygen), which breaks the chemistry of fire, will put it out. The cooling of a fire or the removal of fuel, either of which stop the fire, will use physics to suppress it. For most fires, we can apply the principle of the fire triangle. This includes air (oxygen), heat and fuel at the corners (vertices) of the triangle. Remove one and the triangle falls apart, and this idea is used to attack and suppress fires.

What three things must be present to produe a fire?

To produce a fire, you need three elements known as the "fire triangle" - fuel, heat, and oxygen. Fuel can be any combustible material, heat is the energy needed to raise the fuel to its ignition temperature, and oxygen supports the combustion process. Without any of these three elements, a fire cannot be sustained.

What is needed for fire to burn?

In order for fire to burn, there is someting called the fire tetrahedron. The things needed for fire to burn are as listed: Heat, Oxygen, Fuel(of any sort), and a Chmeical Reaction with all of the above. I learned this from the multiple firefighting classes i have taken.

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