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Other than fungi, plants don't eat other plants so you need animals in the food chain. This includes herbivores to eat the plants. Carnivores to eat the herbivores. Omnivores eat both plants and animals.

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Q: Why do you need more plants than animals in the food pyramid?
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Why are only a few animals at the top of a energy pyramid?

Only a few animals are at the top of an energy pyramid because they are apex predators, which typically have fewer individuals in a food chain due to the decrease in available energy as it moves up the pyramid. The energy available at each level limits the number of individuals that can be supported as it is passed up the food chain.

How many plants and animals are in the food chain?

A food chain typically consists of multiple plants and animals, with each organism feeding on the one below it. The number of plants and animals in a food chain can vary depending on the ecosystem and the complexity of the interactions between organisms.

What kind of food do plants provide us?

this is coming staight out of my 7th grade science textbook: Heterotrophs are animals that get their food from other living things. They eat them, which gives them their energy. All animals are heterotrophs. All plants are Autotrophs. Autotrophs are plants that make their own food. They get their energy not from eating other things like animals, but from the sunlight. That's why plants need sunlight to live, because it's their food. No, not because they will get all crispy and brown if they don't have sunlight. (well, yes, that too) EVERY living organism gets their food (energy) from sunlight. Plants get it directly (photosynthesis) and animals get it by eating plants or other animals that have eaten plants.

There is more what than anything else in an energy pyramid?

There is typically more producers (such as plants) than anything else in an energy pyramid, as they form the base of the food chain and support higher trophic levels. Each subsequent trophic level contains less energy as it is transferred up the pyramid.

What is the difference between new food pyramid and old food pyramid?

The old food pyramid depicted food groups and recommended servings. The new food pyramid emphasizes variety, moderation, and making healthier food choices. It also includes physical activity as an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.

Related questions

Why do we need more plants than animals in the food pyramid?

We need more plants than animals in the food pyramid so there is enough food and air to support them

What do you get from plants and animals?

you get many things from plants and animals. from plants you get oxygen,fibers,food,paper,etc. from animals you get meat,fibers,more plants (by their dispersion.)

Why are there more animals and plants in the summer?

there are more animals and plants in summer because the weather is better and food is more plentiful. in winter many animals hibernate or migrate because its too cold and there is not enough food to eat.

The food plants make is what?


How are a food pyramid and a food chain different?

A food chain is more relative. A food pyramid is more empirical. The food pyramid is more useful in determining food groups and needs.

Who needs more food plants or animals?

Both plants and animals have varying nutritional needs. Plants require nutrients like water, sunlight, and soil minerals to grow, while animals need a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to thrive. Each is essential in its own way within the food chain.

Why are only a few animals at the top of a energy pyramid?

Only a few animals are at the top of an energy pyramid because they are apex predators, which typically have fewer individuals in a food chain due to the decrease in available energy as it moves up the pyramid. The energy available at each level limits the number of individuals that can be supported as it is passed up the food chain.

Where does does food come from and what is farming?

food comes from plants and animals and farming is a way of taking care and making more food

What are dead plants and animals food for?

Most dead plants can be eaten. Otherwise it will break up, turn into dirt, and provide frest dirt for more plants to live on. Dead animals are food for scavengers, like vultures, hyenas, and more. SOmetimes lions eat food that is already dead. Uneaten dead animals can also turn to dirt.

Are there more plants or animals in the coral reef?

there is more animals because the plants are animals.

What happens to energy as we move from step to step in a food chain?

I think what you are referring to is a food chain, It is a series of energy steps from plants to animals and more animals in the form of food.

Why can plants survive without animals but animals not with plants?

Plants can survive without animals because they can produce their own food through photosynthesis, while animals rely on plants for food. Animals cannot survive without plants because they either directly eat plants for sustenance or rely on animals that do. The interconnectedness of the food chain makes plants essential for the survival of most animals.