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There had to be blue eyes within your genealogy. You need two recessive genes to produce blue eyes. Still, the bottom line is, it is very possible. There are individuals in my family that have blue eyes with parents that have brown eyes.

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15y ago
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4w ago

Eye color is determined by complex genetics, with multiple genes influencing the final result. It is possible for a person to have a different eye color than their parents due to the combination of genes passed down from each parent. Brown eyes are a dominant trait, so if both parents carry the gene for brown eyes, it is possible for their child to have brown eyes even if both parents have blue eyes.

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13y ago

Brown eyes (represented by a capital B) are the dominant gene and blue eyes (represented by a lowercase b) are not so common. To get blue eyes from having parents with brown eyes, it just means that your parents have one brown gene and one blue, normally from their parents or grandparents. The brown is dominant so that's what you see, but that means that you have can have BB (brown), Bb (brown), or bb (blue).

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14y ago

Both parents would be required to be a carrier of the blue eyed gene.

In this scenario, the parents' blue eyed gene would be the recessive gene. This means that unless the cells of both parents contained the blue eyed gene, the child would have brown eyes as the brown eyed gene would be dominant over the blue eyed gene (if one parent's cell had brown eyes and the other had blue). So essentially, there could be a 25-50% chance of the child having blue eyes, if the child fell within that percentile, they would have blue eyes.

Another way to think about it is that in an ideal world if the parents had four children, one or two of them (most likely one) would be born with blue eyes.

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9y ago

Genes can be recessive. Blue eyes can come from your grandparents on either side.

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14y ago

the question does not make any sense... the color of my parents' eye effect your eye color?

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13y ago

Some traits skip generations, going from grandparents to grandchildren.

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13y ago

Both parents carried brown eyes as a recessive gene.

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14y ago

Your features such as eyes, ears or your height do not always come from your genes.

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Q: Why do you have brown eyes when both your mother and father have blue eyes?
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If you crossed a homozygous dominant man with brown eyes with a homozygous recessive woman with blue eyes what color or colors would their children have?

The children would all have brown eyes because the dominant brown eye color gene would mask the recessive blue eye color gene. The children would all inherit one dominant brown eye color gene from the father and one recessive blue eye color gene from the mother, resulting in a heterozygous genotype for brown eyes.

What color eyes will baby have if mother has black eyes and father has brown eyes?

my husband and i both have brown hair and brown eyes but our daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes her doctor told me this was rare and she had about a 25% chance of this happening but my mother is blonde hair blue eyes and my husbands father had blue eyes so the gene is there its just rare that it happened

Can a blue eyed male with both his parents having blue eyes marries a brown eyed female with her mother having blue eyes and her father having brown eyes could they have a brown eyed child?

Yes, it is possible for a blue-eyed male and a brown-eyed female to have a brown-eyed child. Eye color is a polygenic trait, meaning it is influenced by multiple genes. Both parents can carry genes for brown eyes, and if those genes are passed on to the child, they can have brown eyes even if neither parent has brown eyes.

What color eyes and hair will a baby boy most likely have if the father has blonde hair blue eyes and the mother has brown hair green eyes?

The baby boy is most likely to have brown hair and blue or green eyes. Brown hair is a dominant trait, so it is more likely to be expressed. Blue eyes are recessive, but it is possible for the baby to inherit them if both parents carry the gene. Green eyes are a combination of blue and brown pigments, so the baby may inherit either blue or green eyes from the parents.

Dad has brown eyes mom has hazel eyes can they have a blue eyed baby?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with brown and hazel eyes to have a blue-eyed baby if both parents carry the recessive blue eye gene. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so a variety of eye colors can be produced even if the parents' eye colors are different.

Related questions

Blue eyed father brown eyed mother blue eyed grandfather of the father what color eye will offspring have?

Brown. My sister and I both have brown eyes. My grandparents on my fathers side and my grandmother on my mothers side were all blue eyed. My mother and her father had brown eyes. The genes for brown eyes are more dominant.

What color eyes and hair will a baby have if a father has blond hair and blue eyes and the mother has brown hair and brown eyes?

Probably brown hair and eyes; blue and blonde are both genetically "weaker" traits.

What color will your baby's eyes be if the father has br eyes and br hair and mother has br hair and br eyes but the fathers dad has blue eyes and blonde hair?

Well it depends also what color eye the mother's parents or any of the parents siblings have. Mother's Parents (both brown eyes) 5.1% blue eyes & 8.5% green eyes & 86.3% brown eyes Mother's Parents (green eyes & brown eyes) 7.8% blue eyes & 17.1& green eyes & 75% brown eyes Mother Parents (blue eyes & brown eyes) 14% blue eyes & 10.9% green eyes & 75% brown eyes Throwing siblings into the mix Mother's Parents (both brown eyes) Mother's Siblings (blue & green eyes) 8.0% blue eyes & 8.6% green eyes & 83.3% brown eyes Mother's Parents (both brown eyes) Mother's Siblings (blue eyes) 8.0% blue eyes & 8.6% green eyes & 83.3% brown eyes Mother's Parents (both brown eyes) Mother's Siblings (green eyes) 5.8% blue eyes & 10.8% green eyes & 83.3% brown eyes ...and so on

A child has brown hair and brown eyes His father has brown hair and blue eyes His mother has red hair and brown eyes The best explanation for the child having brown hair and brown eyes is that?

The child inherited both the genes for brown hair and brown eyes from both parents, as brown is likely a dominant trait in this case. The child also carries the genes for blue eyes from the father and red hair from the mother, but the dominant brown traits are expressed in the child's appearance.

Can a green eyed father and a brown eyed mother have a child with blue eyes or green eyes?

Yes. Both parents could have the gene for green/blue eyes as a recessive gene.

What color a baby's eyes will be if mothers eyes are dark brown and fathers eyes are light brown and both of baby's grandmothers have blue eyes?

14% blue eyes 10.9% green eyes 75% brown eyes Although the precentages could change if the mother or father had siblings with blue or green eyes.

Can a baby have blue eyes if father has brown eyes and mother has blue eyes?

It is very possible to have a blue eye child if both parents have different eye colors. It's also possible to have kids that have different eye colors.

Why to be blue-eyed an individual must have a recessive blue-eyed gene from both its mother and father?

Hi, It is only when both parents have or give the blue-eye gene that you will get a baby with blue ete. If one parent gives blue and the other one brown you will get a brown eye baby. The brown eye gene is stonger then the blue and will "win" over it. A lot of babies are born with blue eyes but then they chang to their actual color after a while. Hope this helps!

How will you know what color eyes and hair will your baby haveif the father has brown hair and brown eyes and the mother has blonde hair and blue eyes?

The baby's eye and hair color will depend on the combination of genes inherited from both parents. With the father having brown hair and brown eyes and the mother having blonde hair and blue eyes, it is possible for the baby to have brown eyes and either brown hair or blonde hair, as these traits are determined by multiple genes. The actual outcome will involve a complex interplay of genetic factors.

If you crossed a homozygous dominant man with brown eyes with a homozygous recessive woman with blue eyes what color or colors would their children have?

The children would all have brown eyes because the dominant brown eye color gene would mask the recessive blue eye color gene. The children would all inherit one dominant brown eye color gene from the father and one recessive blue eye color gene from the mother, resulting in a heterozygous genotype for brown eyes.

What is the likelihood of having a brown eyed baby if both mother and father are blond and blue eyed?

Zero. Blue eyes come from a recessive gene (brown eyes come from a dominant gene). So two blue-eyed parents have only blue-eye genes in them. Therefore, they can pass only blue-eye genes to their baby.

What color eyes will baby have if mother has black eyes and father has brown eyes?

my husband and i both have brown hair and brown eyes but our daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes her doctor told me this was rare and she had about a 25% chance of this happening but my mother is blonde hair blue eyes and my husbands father had blue eyes so the gene is there its just rare that it happened