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Drinking radioactive substances can be extremely harmful and cause serious health issues, including radiation sickness, organ damage, and even cancer. It is not safe or recommended to consume radioactive materials under any circumstances.

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Q: Why do you drink radioactive substance?
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What is the difference between a non-radioactive substance and a radioactive substance?

Radioactive substances are unstable as a result of the extra neutrons present in the nuclei of the substance. Non-radioactive substances are stable.

What affect the half life of a radioactive substance A the mass of the substance B the temperature of the substance C the addition of a catalyst D the type?

A. The half-life of a radioactive substance is determined by the specific decay process of that substance, so it is not affected by the mass of the substance or the temperature. B. The mass of the substance does not affect the half-life of a radioactive substance. C. The addition of a catalyst does not affect the half-life of a radioactive substance. D. The type of radioactive substance directly determines its half-life, as different substances undergo radioactive decay at varying rates.

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Pm is Prometheum. All isotopes of this element are radioactive.

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Is there any way to change the average amount of radiation emitted from a radioactive substance?

No, the average amount of radiation emitted from a radioactive substance is inherent to the substance's decay process and cannot be changed. The rate of decay is measured by the substance's half-life, which is a fixed characteristic of the radioactive material.

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The most common unit used to express the activity of a radioactive substance is the Becquerel (Bq). One Becquerel is equal to one radioactive decay per second.