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The answer to this is related to partial pressure of water. When humidity is high this means that there is a lot of water suspended in the atmosphere. This means that water in liquid form will not tend toward evaporation into it's gas phase but will stay as liquid. For more information on partial pressures see:

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 2w ago

On a humid day, sweat doesn't evaporate as quickly because the air is already moisture-laden. This reduces the body's ability to cool down efficiently through evaporative cooling, causing you to cool down more slowly compared to when the air is dry.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

This effect is caused by the partial pressure of the water vapour in the air. The more humid the air, the more water vapour it contains and thus it has a higher partial pressure. This pressure tends to prevent water from evaporating. When the air is completely dry, there is no partial pressure from any water vapour and water will evaporate more quickly. The partial pressure of the water vapour plus the partial pressures of the other gases in the air all add up to create the total pressure of the air. It follows that water will evaporate more slowly when the total air pressure is high and evaporate more quickly when the total air pressure is low.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

To cool down, people need to sweat, as when it evaporates it cools the body down. On dry days, it is easy to evaporate, as there is little water vapour in the air. On a humid day, it is harder for the water to evaporate as there is already too much water vapour there. As less sweat evaporates, it takes longer for you to cool down.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Evaporation is based on heat causing water to expand and condense within the dry air. However, on humid days, the moisture in the atmosphere increases, thus reducing the rate of evaporating as the air has already been saturated.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

because it is continually secreted from the pores to keep the body temp down so you don't overheat and faint from heat exhaustion

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βˆ™ 7y ago

The partial pressure of vapors in the first situation is lower.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because coldness is less as well.

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Q: Why do you cool down more slowly on a humid day than when air is dry?
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Will a wetbulb cool down more on a dry or humid day?

A wet bulb will cool down more on a dry day because the dry air has a greater capacity to absorb moisture, resulting in more evaporation from the wet bulb and therefore a greater cooling effect compared to a humid day where the air is already saturated with moisture.

Why can't you cool off on a hot humid muggy day?

On a hot humid muggy day, it can be more difficult to cool off because sweat evaporates at a slower rate in high humidity. This can make it feel like your body heat is not being dissipated efficiently, leading to a feeling of being overheated. In addition, the high moisture content in the air can make it harder for your body to cool down through the evaporation of sweat.

Why wet clothes dry up very slowly in a humid air?

Wet clothes dry up slowly in humid air because the air is already saturated with moisture, so it has limited capacity to absorb more water vapor from the clothes. This leads to a decreased rate of evaporation, which is necessary for the drying process to occur.

Why do people perspire a lot on a humid day?

On a humid day, the air is already saturated with moisture, making it harder for sweat to evaporate efficiently from the skin. This leads to a buildup of sweat on the skin, making people feel like they are perspiring more than usual to cool down the body.

Why do things cool down more slowly if they are wrapped?

Wrapping an object slows down the cooling process by reducing the rate of heat transfer to the surrounding environment. The insulating material of the wrapping creates a barrier that prevents heat from escaping quickly, extending the time it takes for the object to cool down.

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Maritime polar air masses bring cool and humid weather. These air masses originate over cold ocean waters and bring moisture with them, leading to cooler and more humid conditions as they move over land.

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The electric discharge from a charged balloon would happen more slowly in dry air compared to humid air. This is because dry air is a better insulator and does not conduct electricity as easily as humid air, which contains more water molecules that can facilitate the flow of charged particles.

Why can't you cool off on a hot humid muggy day?

On a hot humid muggy day, it can be more difficult to cool off because sweat evaporates at a slower rate in high humidity. This can make it feel like your body heat is not being dissipated efficiently, leading to a feeling of being overheated. In addition, the high moisture content in the air can make it harder for your body to cool down through the evaporation of sweat.

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Yes, warm humid air can feel warmer than warm dry air because the moisture in the air can trap heat closer to the body, making it feel more oppressive. In humid conditions, our sweat evaporates more slowly, which can reduce our body's ability to cool down through natural evaporation.

Why wet clothes dry up very slowly in a humid air?

Wet clothes dry up slowly in humid air because the air is already saturated with moisture, so it has limited capacity to absorb more water vapor from the clothes. This leads to a decreased rate of evaporation, which is necessary for the drying process to occur.

Why do people perspire a lot on a humid day?

On a humid day, the air is already saturated with moisture, making it harder for sweat to evaporate efficiently from the skin. This leads to a buildup of sweat on the skin, making people feel like they are perspiring more than usual to cool down the body.

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People sweat more on humid days because the air is already saturated with moisture, making it harder for sweat to evaporate. This results in a build-up of sweat on the skin, which may make people feel sweatier. Sweat production increases as the body tries to cool down through evaporation, but the high humidity inhibits this process.

Why do we sweat before rain?

We do not sweat more before rain. However, if rain is coming, there is a good chance that the air is rather humid. In humid air our sweat does not evaporate as quickly, making it more noticeable. To summarize, when it is very humid outside the air is already saturated with water making our sweat evaporate much more slowly.

During a sunny day which earth surface will heat up faster and cool off fastter?

Surfaces with low specific heat capacity, like sand or concrete, will heat up faster. Surfaces with high specific heat capacity, like water or soil, will heat up more slowly but also cool down more slowly.

Why do you sweat more at sea level than at high elevation?

You sweat more at sea level than at high altitude because the air is warmer and more humid at lower altitudes, which increases your body's need to cool down through sweating. Additionally, at higher elevations, the lower oxygen levels place less stress on the body, reducing the need for sweating to cool down.