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We know that volcanoes are formed by the sudden release of magma( later lava) from the Earth's mantle through weak spots on the Earth's crust. We also know that the crust floats atop the boiling mantle, slowly moving in one direction. However these magma pressure cauldrons beneath the Earth's crust, which cause the volcanic eruptions, are non-mobile or minuscule in movement at most and for obvious reasons are called hot spots. Therefore as the crust floats atop the mantle the hot spots pierce through the crust creating a chain of volcanoes.

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2mo ago

Volcanoes often form linear patterns along tectonic plate boundaries where the Earth's plates meet and interact. These linear patterns can be a result of the movement and collision of these plates, which create zones of weakness where magma can rise to the surface, leading to volcanic activity.

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Q: Why do volcanoes form linear patterns across the globe?
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Hypothesize about why volcanoes form linear patterns across the globe.?

Volcanoes often form linear patterns due to the movement of tectonic plates. This can create long chains of volcanoes along plate boundaries, such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. The linear patterns are a result of the underlying geological processes that lead to the formation of volcanic arcs or chains.

Are volcanoes evenly distributed or concentrated in zones?

Volcanoes are concentrated in specific zones called volcanic belts or arcs, which are often associated with tectonic plate boundaries. These zones include the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean and rift zones such as the East African Rift. Volcanoes are not evenly distributed across the globe.

How many leather-back turtles are there in zoos across the globe?

there are about -556 leather-back turtles in the zoos around the globe.

What does the jet stream push across the globe?

The jet stream pushes air masses across the globe, influencing weather patterns and systems. It can push warm air from the tropics towards higher latitudes, while at the same time pushing cold air from the polar regions towards lower latitudes. This movement of air masses driven by the jet stream can lead to the formation of storms, fronts, and other weather phenomena.

What are the general appearance of isotherms?

Isotherms on a weather map appear as lines connecting points of equal temperature. They are spaced apart based on temperature differences, with closer lines indicating a steeper temperature gradient. Isotherms help visualize temperature patterns across a region or globe.

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Hypothesize about why volcanoes form linear patterns across the globe.?

Volcanoes often form linear patterns due to the movement of tectonic plates. This can create long chains of volcanoes along plate boundaries, such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. The linear patterns are a result of the underlying geological processes that lead to the formation of volcanic arcs or chains.

Are volcanoes evenly distributed or concentrated in zones?

Volcanoes are concentrated in specific zones called volcanic belts or arcs, which are often associated with tectonic plate boundaries. These zones include the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean and rift zones such as the East African Rift. Volcanoes are not evenly distributed across the globe.

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Climate is composed of long-term patterns of temperature and precipitation in an area, which can be influenced by factors like latitude, altitude, and proximity to bodies of water. These patterns help define different climate zones across the globe, such as tropical, arid, temperate, and polar climates.

What is another way to say throughout the world?

Suggestion:across the globe

The weather patterns seen on Earth are influenced greatly by the?

The weather patterns on Earth are greatly influenced by factors such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind patterns, and the Earth's rotation. These factors interact to create various weather conditions across the globe. Additionally, geographic features, such as mountains and oceans, also play a role in shaping weather patterns.

What is the area of the globe called where most volcanoes are found?

The Ring of Fire, which circles the Pacific ocean, contains over 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes.

What is the major driving force of earths weather?

The major driving force of Earth's weather is the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun. This leads to variations in temperature, air pressure, and wind patterns across the globe, creating different weather systems.

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The Theatre it was transported across to create the Globe

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