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Volcanoes generally form where the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate.
If you think of the ocean floor as a conveyor belt running outwards in both directions from the centre. (New floor is created by material forced from below).
where it meets the continental plate it is driven underneath, causing great friction and the associated heat.
This heat will melt the rock and the pressure forces the molten rock to the surface.
This creates a volcano.
Other plate boundaries not associated with the ocean floor will either be convergent, (pushing towards each other) divergent, (pulling away from each other) or strike-slip.(rubbing up against each other).
These plate boundaries are likely to have earthquake zones as the pressures mount between them.

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4mo ago

Volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another (subduction) or at divergent plate boundaries where plates move apart. This occurs because the movement of plates causes magma to rise to the surface, resulting in volcanic activity. In contrast, transform plate boundaries, where plates slide past each other, do not create the conditions necessary for volcanoes to form.

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