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The outer planets are gas giants, made mostly or entirely of gas, so either there is no surface to land on, or even if there is, it lies underneath such a large amount of atmosphere that the atmospheric pressure would crush any spaceship that tried to land there. However, the outer planets also have lots of moons, which would be very suitable places for spacecraft to land.

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Q: Why do think a spacecraft would not be able to land on any of the outer planets?
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What list contains only outer planets?

It would be a list of the outer planets.

What planets are closets to the sun inner or outer?

I think you mean closeST to the Sun! Inner planets- these in our own solar system would include Mercury, Venus, our own Earth, and Mars.

What outer planet has a solid core?

I guess that would be Mars, which has an orbit outside the Earth's orbit. The first four planets have solid cores, while the four outer planets are gas giants.

What planet would be the most impossible planet to land on?

In order to land on a planet, it has to have a solid outer crust. The only planets in the solar system with a solid outer core are the 4 inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars). The planets outside the Asteroid Belt are composed primarily of gas, which would make any landing impossible on those planets.

Why are inner planets also called rocky planets?

The inner planets, except earth, are made up of rocks. They have a hard surface. The earth would be one of these except we have water. The outer planets are gas giants and do not have a solid surface.

Related questions

What list contains only outer planets?

It would be a list of the outer planets.

Would you think astronomers might have found all of the moons of the outer planets?

No, one cannot be sure.

Would there be volcanoes in outer planets?

there are no volcanoes in outer plants.

Why would we suffocate on the outer planets?

The outer planets does not have enough oxygen to sustain life, or they don't have an atmosphere at all.

Which of the outer planets is closer to the sun?

That would be Jupiter.

What planets are closets to the sun inner or outer?

I think you mean closeST to the Sun! Inner planets- these in our own solar system would include Mercury, Venus, our own Earth, and Mars.

What effect do you think being so much farther from the sun would have on the outer planets?

it would be much much colder and revolve slower because of weaker gravity

How come being so much farther from the sun would effect the outer planets?

The outer planets are colder, and life cannot be supported there in such cold conditions.

What is planets in the outer side?

I wOuld double check but I believe it's planets outside our solar system

Why would the average densities of the four large outer planets be so low when compared with the average densities of the inner planets?

Because the outer planets are composed of mainly gas or ice, whereas the inner planets are composed of rock which has a higher density.

What are inner and outer planets What is the difference?

In our solar system; Inner planets are planets that have an orbit which lies within the asteroid belt. Outer planets are planets which have an orbit which lies outside the orbit of the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. Therefore the inner planets would be in order away form the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer planets in the same order are; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What outer planet has a solid core?

I guess that would be Mars, which has an orbit outside the Earth's orbit. The first four planets have solid cores, while the four outer planets are gas giants.