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roots have more grip to hold on to the ground during storms..and roots soak water much more that leaves do..

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Roots grow downward towards gravity to anchor the plant in the soil, access nutrients, and absorb water. Leaves grow upward towards light to maximize photosynthesis, which is crucial for producing energy for the plant through the conversion of sunlight.

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Q: Why do the roots grow down and the leaves grow up?
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You can try but the plant will try to grow upwards. All plants grow up and their roots grow down. This is coded in their DNA.

Do Roots grow up and stems grow down?

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New banana trees grow from the roots of the old banana trees. After a banana tree bears fruit it dies. Then its roots send up several new banana trees. The chopped down part of the tree will probably not grow. The roots will probably send up new trees. You can dig up one of those and get a new tree.

Which part of the plant will come out first from seeds?

When germination starts a green stem will push itself up into the surface. It will then grow leaves while growing roots.

What are plants that have tubes like structures for water and nutrients to travel up and down from roots to leaves?

A chemical that is energized by photosynthesis

What Plants that have tube like structures for water and nutrients to travel up and down from roots to leaves?

A chemical that is energized by photosynthesis

What are plants that have tube-like structures for water and nutrients to travel up and down from Roots to leaves?

A chemical that is energized by photosynthesis