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I am not quite sure what you mean with "not connected"; the electron is attracted, via the electrical force, to the nucleus. This is the "connection" that keeps it there - as long as there is no stronger force to pull it away.

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Q: Why do the electrons stay circling around the nucleus if they are not connected?
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What is a particle that moves around the nucleus?

Assuming that by nucleus you refer to an atom the particles circling the atoms center (protons and neutrons ) are called electrons.

Are neutrons inside or circling the nucleus?

Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom. The classical model shows them circling but in fact, their position and path is more complicated. The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. Protein is a molecule, not a component of atoms.

What role do electrons play in magnetism?

Electrons are responsible for producing magnetism in materials. When electrons spin on their axis and move around the nucleus, they create a magnetic field. In materials where the electrons align in a particular direction, such as in ferromagnetic materials, this alignment results in the material having a macroscopic magnetic field.

What does borh model represent?

Bohr's models represent the structure of the atom, as he idealized. In the middle we would have a circle representing the positively charged nucleus. Then, circling around the nucleus in specific orbits we would have the negatively charged electrons, like the planets circling around the sun, but with electromagnetic forces instead of gravitational.

Which parts of the atom move around the nucleous?

Electrons move around the nucleus of an atom. Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus and do not move around the nucleus like electrons do.

Where are the electrons located in Bohr's atomic model?

In this model, the electrons move or orbit around the protons that are at the center of the atom. Electrons move around the nucleus, which contains the proton, in orbits that have a definite size and energy.

Is electrons found inside the nucleus?

They are not in the nucleaus, they orbit around the nucleus.

Does electrons make up an atom nucleus?

No, the electrons are around the nucleus, not in the nucleus.

What is the tiny particle of an atom that moves around the nucleus?

The particle that "circles" the center of an atom is an electron. (In reality, electrons act more like waves vibrating around an atom that particle circling an atom.) (Both neutrons and protons make up the center of an atom, neutrons have no charge and protons a positive one.)

Are electrons next to the nucleus?

No, electrons are around nucleus but at a great distance.

Are the number of electrons in the nucleus of an atom that element's atomic number?

There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals around and outside the nucleus.There are no electrons in the nucleus of an atom, the electrons are in the orbitals outside and around the nucleus.

Where are the protons neutrons and electron located in the atom?

Protons and neutrons are located within the nucleus. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus.