Gravitation from the Moon causes the tides. The energy for these tides comes from the rotation of the Earth, so obviously, when tidal energy is lost due to friction, etc., the Earth will rotate slower and slower. This follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Another important conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum. When the Earth rotates slower, the Moon goes farther away, to maintain the rotational momentum.
Gravitation from the Moon causes the tides. The energy for these tides comes from the rotation of the Earth, so obviously, when tidal energy is lost due to friction, etc., the Earth will rotate slower and slower. This follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Another important conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum. When the Earth rotates slower, the Moon goes farther away, to maintain the rotational momentum.
Gravitation from the Moon causes the tides. The energy for these tides comes from the rotation of the Earth, so obviously, when tidal energy is lost due to friction, etc., the Earth will rotate slower and slower. This follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Another important conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum. When the Earth rotates slower, the Moon goes farther away, to maintain the rotational momentum.
Gravitation from the Moon causes the tides. The energy for these tides comes from the rotation of the Earth, so obviously, when tidal energy is lost due to friction, etc., the Earth will rotate slower and slower. This follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Another important conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum. When the Earth rotates slower, the Moon goes farther away, to maintain the rotational momentum.
The distances between Earth and the Moon change due to the elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit around Earth. This causes the Moon to be closer at certain times (perigee) and farther away at other times (apogee). Overall, the average distance between Earth and the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers.
Gravitation from the Moon causes the tides. The energy for these tides comes from the rotation of the Earth, so obviously, when tidal energy is lost due to friction, etc., the Earth will rotate slower and slower. This follows directly from the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Another important conservation law is the Law of Conservation of Rotational Momentum. When the Earth rotates slower, the Moon goes farther away, to maintain the rotational momentum.
Yes. All orbits are ellipses, not circles, and EVERY orbit comes closer to the primary and then is further away. For the Earth, our orbit is almost circular; not very eccentric at all.
The Moon, on the other hand, is sometimes as close as 363,104 km and recedes to as far away as 405,696 km, a difference of about 40,000 KM.
The answer might sound like an evasion of the question, and might not satisfy you,
but it's the simple truth:
-- The way gravity works, every closed gravitational orbit is an ellipse, with the
"central" body at one focus of the ellipse.
-- Ellipses with greater or smaller eccentricity are all possible, so there are an infinite number
of possible elliptical shapes for closed orbits. Comets and Pluto have orbits with large
eccentricity. Planets have orbits with smaller eccentricity.
That's the way gravity works.
-- A circle is a very special case of an ellipse ... the one where the two foci (focuses)
exactly coincide, and the orbital distance between the two bodies is constant.
-- That's one special case, out of an infinite number of permitted cases. It's just not
very likely.
The most circular orbits you're going to find are the orbits of the artificial communications
satellites, including the ones that send 900 channels of TV to those little dishes on the
corner of everybody's house. Those are placed in as close as possible to circular orbits,
so that they appear perfectly motionless in the sky, and people don't have to move their
dishes to follow the satellite. In order to place the satellite where it belongs AND achieve
a near-perfect circular orbit, ground controllers spend weeks to months after launch,
torquing and tweaking the orbit, and they have to give the bird a poof of propellant
every few days or weeks after that in order to keep the orbit circular.
Left to its own in the solar system's sea of natural gravitational forces, any orbit
constantly changes its eccentricity, as the orbiting body is pulled and tugged by
all of the other revolving bodies in the sun's family.
An interesting question is--why is the moon receding? It is "falling up." Where does the energy for that come from?
It comes from tidal friction with the earth. What this means is that the sun recedes through robbing earth's angular momentum. What happens is the earth's rotation slows.
It is expected that the lunar recession rate should slow--it is unlikely the moon will escape the earth. The current recession rate is about 3.8 cm (1.5 inches) per year.
Wilson Cycles also play a role in the lunar recession rate.
The moon like most other celestial objects is governed by Kepler's 1st law of planetary motion - The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus.
In the case of the moon the Earth is at one focus but the principle is just the same. The shape of the ellipse is measured using orbital eccentricity. A perfect circle would have an eccentricity of 0. In the case of the moon it is 0.054.
Why it is like that is simple. Imagine throwing a stone 50m onto a target. What are the chances of hitting the target in the middle exactly to the nearest millimeter?
Yes. The Moon goes around the Earth in an ellipse.
Yes. The Moon goes around the Earth in an ellipse.
Yes. The Moon goes around the Earth in an ellipse.
Yes. The Moon goes around the Earth in an ellipse.
Yes. All orbits are ellipses, not circles, and EVERY orbit comes closer to the primary and then is further away. For the Earth, our orbit is almost circular; not very eccentric at all.
The Moon, on the other hand, is sometimes as close as 363,104 km and recedes to as far away as 405,696 km, a difference of about 40,000 KM.
About 380,000 kilometers on average. The actual distance varies slightly.
About 380,000 kilometers on average. The actual distance varies slightly.
About 380,000 kilometers on average. The actual distance varies slightly.
About 380,000 kilometers on average. The actual distance varies slightly.
Yes, the moon's orbit around Earth affects the moon phase. As the moon orbits Earth, the angle between the sun, moon, and Earth change, causing different portions of the moon to be illuminated by sunlight, resulting in the different moon phases we observe.
Virtually the same as the distance between Earth and Venus, which varies greatly according to where each is in its orbit. At its closest to Earth, Venus is still more than 100 times as far from Earth as the Moon.
The Earth is bigger than the Moon. Earth has a diameter of about 12,742 km, while the Moon has a diameter of about 3,474 km.
The Moon or Luna. LOL it's name doesn't change because of a solar eclipse.
No. In a lunar eclipse Earth is between the sun and the moon, thus casting a shadow on the moon. When the moon passes between Earth and the sun it is a solar eclipse, to an observer on Earth, the moon eclipses the sun.
about 10,000000km
Like 74,507,811.09
Since Jupiter is further than the moon, there is not as much gravity as the Earth and moon.
As the moon circles the Earth, the shape of the moon appears to change; this is because different amounts of the illuminated part of the moon are facing us. The shape varies from a full moon (when the Earth is between the sun and the moon) to a new moon (when the moon is between the sun and the Earth).
There are no stars between the Earth and the Moon. The stars we see in the night sky are much farther away. The Moon is located within our own solar system, while the stars are located at much greater distances in our galaxy and beyond.
No - the moon itself stays the same shape. The phases of the moon change as the earth and moon orbit round the sun. The phases are simply the amount of sunlight reflected in relation to the position of the earth's shadow cast on the moon
The shadow is caused by the earth blocking the path of the light from the sun casting shadow on the moon. When the earth is not in between the sun and the moon then we have a "full moon."
As the orbits of the Moon about the Earth and the Earth around the Sun are not circular, the distance to each of these bodies varies. Since the strength of gravitational attraction is determined, in part, by the distance between the objects, as the distances change so too does the strength of the tide-raising forces.
"Distance" means how far two object are from one another. In this case, how far the Moon is from Earth, or how far the Sun is from Earth.
When the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun you get a full moon, not a new Moon which occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. You could also get a Lunar eclipse.