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The temperature of steel is determined by the amount of vibration of its constituent atoms. Hotter atoms vibrate more. And when they vibrate more, they take up more space. Hence, the steel expands.

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Q: Why do steel bars expand when heated make use of kinetic theory of matter to support the answer?
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What increase when matter is heated?

When matter is heated, the kinetic energy of its particles increases. This causes the particles to move faster and farther apart, leading to an expansion in volume. In addition, the temperature of the matter increases as heat energy is absorbed.

Does particles in gases expand when heated?

This is because when heat is applied to particles, they gain energy, therefore they travel faster and space out. The volume will increase though the density will decrease. So matter will always expand when exposed to heat.

What happens to most matter when heated?

Most matter expands when heated because the molecules gain kinetic energy and move faster, causing the substance to increase in volume. Additionally, some substances may undergo changes in state, transitioning from solid to liquid to gas as they are heated.

When a substance is heated it can result to a rise in?

When a substance is heated, it can result in a rise in temperature, causing the molecules to move faster and increase their kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy may lead to changes in the state of matter, such as melting or boiling.

As sample of matter is heated it's particles do what?

As the individual atoms are warmed up, they move faster causing the substance to expand slightly. As a substance has energy added to it through heating, its Kinetic Energy becomes greater. Kinetic energy is the energy of Motion - the more the kinetic energy of the atoms of a substance means the faster the speed of motion of these same atoms.

Related questions

What happens to matter when heated?

When matter is heated it will expand

Does matter contract or expand when heated?

Matter expands when it is heated.

Does matter expand or contract when it is heated?


Does matter expand or contract when it's heated?


Does matter expand or contract when heated up?

When heated up, matter typically expands due to an increase in kinetic energy within the atoms and molecules that make up the material. This increased kinetic energy causes the particles to move more vigorously, leading to a larger amount of space taken up by the material, hence the expansion.

What happens to matter when it is heated SCIENCE?

It will expand.

Do atoms get hotter when matter is heated?

When a matter is heated then the vibration of atoms increase and hence the kinetic energy increases.

What does most matter do when heated?

Most matter EXPANDS when heatedmost matter expands when heated

Does the atom gets hot when the matter is heated?

When a matter is heated then the vibration of atoms increase and hence the kinetic energy increases.

Why matters expand when heated?

Matter expands when heated, because molecules move farther apart.

What happens to the matter in copper wire when heated?

When copper wire is heated, the atoms within the wire vibrate more vigorously, leading to an increase in kinetic energy. This causes the wire to expand slightly in length and thickness. If heated excessively, the wire can eventually melt and transform into a liquid state.

Does matter contract or expand when its cold?

When matter is cooled, it tends to contract or become more dense. This is because the particles in the matter lose kinetic energy and move closer together, resulting in a decrease in volume. Conversely, when matter is heated, it expands as the particles gain energy and move farther apart.