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Q: Why do some plants not require nitrogenous fertilizers?
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Do chemicals make plants grow or die?

Some chemicals make plants grow. They are called fertilizers. Some chemicals plants make plants die. When intentionally applied, they are the type of pesticide called herbicides. Some chemicals do not affect plants.

What is the chemical formulae of nitrogeneous fertilizer?

There are many different nitrogenous fertilizers. Some of them are the following: NH3, NH4OH, NH4NO3, NH4NO3+CaCO3, (NH4)2SO4, 5Ca(NO3)2 NH4NO3 10H2O, NaNO3, CO(NH2)2, NH4NO3 + H2O, NH4NO3 + CO(NH2)2+ H20, 5Ca(NO3)2 NH4NO3 10H2O+ H2O.

How do plants get nitrogen compared to how animals get nitrogen?

Most plants get nitrogen from fertilizers. Some plants can have a process called nitrogen fixing in which nitrogen from the is turned into ammonium compounds. Animals get their nitrogen from food, by eating plants and other animals.

What are some disadvantages of natural fertiliser?

Some disadvantages of using natural fertilizers include slower release of nutrients compared to synthetic fertilizers, the risk of introducing weed seeds or pathogens into the soil, and variability in nutrient content that may require more frequent applications to meet plant needs.

How fertilizers increase soil fertility?

Fertilizers provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that enhance plant growth and productivity. By replenishing these nutrients in the soil, fertilizers can improve soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth. Additionally, fertilizers can help balance soil pH levels and improve the overall structure of the soil, leading to better nutrient uptake by plants.

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Is a disadvantage of the overuse of artificial fertilizers?

The nutrients in artificial fertilizers do not stay in the soil for very long. For this reason, gardeners must apply inorganic fertilizers to their soil more often than organic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers that release their nutrients into the soil more slowly, and thus require fewer applications, are available from some manufacturers. Excess nitrogen causes plants to die

What is a disadvantage of the overuse of artificial fertilizer?

The nutrients in artificial fertilizers do not stay in the soil for very long. For this reason, gardeners must apply inorganic fertilizers to their soil more often than organic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers that release their nutrients into the soil more slowly, and thus require fewer applications, are available from some manufacturers. Excess nitrogen causes plants to die

What are some of ammonia uses?

It can be used as a cleaner and a disinfectant

What is Florida doing to reduce or end the damage that some farm fertilizers do to plant in the Everglades?

Florida is using less farm fertilizers on the plants in the Everglades.

Do chemicals make plants grow or die?

Some chemicals make plants grow. They are called fertilizers. Some chemicals plants make plants die. When intentionally applied, they are the type of pesticide called herbicides. Some chemicals do not affect plants.

Why farmers use fertilizers containing nitrogen?

Farmers use fertilizers containing nitrogen because nitrogen is essential for plant growth and development. It is a key component of proteins, which are crucial for plant cell structure and function. Applying nitrogen fertilizers helps ensure that plants have an adequate supply of this important nutrient to support healthy growth and high yields.

What is Florida doing to reduce or end the damage that some farm fertilizer do to plants in the everglades?

Florida is using less farm fertilizers on the plants in the Everglades.

What is the chemical formulae of nitrogeneous fertilizer?

There are many different nitrogenous fertilizers. Some of them are the following: NH3, NH4OH, NH4NO3, NH4NO3+CaCO3, (NH4)2SO4, 5Ca(NO3)2 NH4NO3 10H2O, NaNO3, CO(NH2)2, NH4NO3 + H2O, NH4NO3 + CO(NH2)2+ H20, 5Ca(NO3)2 NH4NO3 10H2O+ H2O.

what is a disadvantage of the overuse of artificial fertilizers?

One disadvantage of overusing artificial fertilizers is that it can lead to nutrient imbalances in the soil, which can harm plant growth and disrupt natural ecosystems. Additionally, excessive use of fertilizers can contribute to water pollution as the excess nutrients can leach into waterways, leading to algal blooms and decreased water quality.

Do fertilizers contain alkali?

Some fertilizers may contain alkali compounds such as potassium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide. These alkali compounds can help to adjust soil pH levels and provide essential nutrients to plants. However, not all fertilizers contain alkali, as the composition varies based on the specific needs of the plants being grown.

What ia the disadvantage of weeds?

It race to the fertilizers,water,sun,and air into the plants,some of them are posinious and others caused itching

Does freezing or being several years old affect time release fertilizers?

Old fertilizers that have been frozen and thawed several times have probably decomposed. Depending on the fertilizer, some can be harmful to plants once they have broken down. It is best to use new fertilizers.