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Q: Why do some planets have shorter length of days than Others?
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Which planet has 264 days?

Venus has a day length of 116.75 Earth days. None of the planets in our solar system have a day length of 264 days.

What is the lengthof a year for all planets?

The length of a year for a planet is the amount of time it takes for the planet to make a complete revolution around the sun. For the Earth, this is about 365 1/4 days. The length of time for other planets in our solar system to revolve around the sun is can be longer or shorter.

What is the difference between planets that rotations time are shorter than earth to planets rotation time that are longer than earth?

Planets with shorter rotation times than Earth, like Jupiter, typically have shorter days with faster spinning speeds. In contrast, planets with longer rotation times, such as Venus, have longer days and rotate more slowly. This difference in rotation times can affect factors like day length, temperature variations, and atmospheric dynamics on these planets.

Why are days longer and shorter on different planets?

Rotation of planets depends on their history of being hit by other planetoids ... thus it is entirely random.

Are days shorter in winter?

No, days are not shorter in winter. The length of a day remains constant throughout the year. However, the amount of daylight hours during winter is shorter because the Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun, causing the sun to be lower in the sky and for days to have less daylight.

Why is the length of day and night vary from planet to planet?

The length of day and night on a planet depends on its rotational period, which is the time it takes for the planet to complete one full rotation on its axis. Planets with faster rotations have shorter days and nights, while planets with slower rotations have longer days and nights. Factors such as the planet's size, distance from the sun, and axial tilt also play a role in determining day and night lengths.

How does the length of a day on the inner four contrast with the length of a day on the outer four?

The inner four terrestrial planets have shorter days compared to the outer four gas giants. This is because the inner planets rotate more quickly due to their smaller size and proximity to the sun, while the outer gas giants rotate more slowly because of their larger size and distance from the sun.

What outer planets have days Longer than 24hrs?

None of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have days longer than 24 hours. Their rotational periods vary, but none exceed Earth's 24-hour day.

Which planet has shorter travel time saturn or mercury?

Planets orbiting closer to their sun tend to move a lot faster then planets further out. This case is no exception Mercury has a year of 88 Earth Days, and Saturn has a year of 10,832 Earth days.

Why do length of days change?

when the day is longer than night because the slow of the rotation

What happens to the length of days and nights in winter?

In winter, nights are longer than days because the Earth's axis is tilted away from the sun, causing less daylight hours. This results in shorter days and longer nights during the winter season.

What is the length of each of the planets days?

1 day on Mercury is 4222.6 hours. Little more than 3246 hours (middle of 14 days.