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Q: Why do saturated fatty acids has straight structures while I am so saturated fatty acids have bent structures?
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Why do saturated fatty acids have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acids acids bent structures?

Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (which tend to act like a rigid pole) while unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon-to-carbon bonds (which can act like hinges making the molecule flexible).

Why do saturated fatty acid have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acid structure bend?

Saturated fatty acids have straight structures because their carbon chain is fully saturated with hydrogen atoms, leading to a linear conformation. In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds that introduce kinks in the carbon chain, causing the structure to bend rather than remain straight.

Why do saturated fatty acid have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acids have bent structures?

Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (which tend to act like a rigid pole) while unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon-to-carbon bonds (which can act like hinges making the molecule flexible).

Why do saturated fatty acid's have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acids have Bent structures?

Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (which tend to act like a rigid pole) while unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon-to-carbon bonds (which can act like hinges making the molecule flexible).

Why do saturated fatty acids have structures while unsaturated fatty acids have bent structures?

Saturated fatty acids have straight structures because they have single bonds between all carbon atoms, allowing them to pack tightly together. Unsaturated fatty acids have bent structures because they have one or more double bonds, which creates a kink in the molecule and prevents the fatty acids from packing tightly together.

Why do saturated fatty acid's have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acid's have bent structures?

Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (which tend to act like a rigid pole) while unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon-to-carbon bonds (which can act like hinges making the molecule flexible).

Distinguish between saturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids?

There is no difference between saturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. If you meant saturated fatty acids and UNsaturated fatty acids, then the unsaturated ones are the ones with double (or, theoretically, triple) bonds in the carbon chain.

What causes unsaturated fatty acids to have a different shape than saturated fatty acids?

The double chain in the unsaturated fatty acid cause it to bent; unlike saturated fatty acid which has no double bond, is straight

Why do saturates fatty acids have straight structures while unsaturated fatty acids have bent structure?

Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds (which tend to act like a rigid pole) while unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon-to-carbon bonds (which can act like hinges making the molecule flexible).

Why do saturated fatty acids have straight structure while unsaturated fatty acids have bent structure?

saturated fatty acids contain more carbon atoms Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-to-carbon bonds.

What is a distinguishing characteristic of a saturated fatty acid-?

A distinguishing characteristic of a saturated fatty acid is that it contains only single bonds between carbon atoms, resulting in a straight molecular structure. This straight structure allows saturated fatty acids to pack tightly together, making them solid at room temperature.

What oil is highest in saturated fatty acids?

Coconut oil is one of the oils highest in saturated fatty acids, with around 90% of its fatty acids being saturated. Palm oil is another oil high in saturated fatty acids, with approximately 50% of its fatty acids being saturated.