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Its basically because of geotropism (when it grows downwards/follows gravity) plants always have their roots growing down because if they didn't grow down, they wouldn't support a plant very well. the stem always grows up, generally for the same reason, but also because the sun is up. phototropism comes into play here. plants always try to grow towards the sun, enabling them to have a good source. So the root grows downwards to get the nutrients/find the nutrients that the plant needs to grow and stay living.-(don't ask me y this part has a line through it!!)

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9y ago

Gravitropism (also known as geotropism) is a turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. It is a general feature of all higher and many lower plants as well as other organisms. Wikipedia

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10y ago

There are many stimuli that make a plant's stem system grow up and roots to grow down. The roots absorb water and will grow downward in order take water up into the plant.

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Gravity is the stimulus which makes roots grow downwards. This is called positive geotropism or positive gravitropism.

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Q: Why do roots grow down and stems grow up?
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List of plants that have roots that only grow down?

Most plants have roots that grow both vertically and horizontally to varying degrees. However, taproots such as carrots and radishes primarily grow downwards, as do fibrous roots of grasses. Deep-rooted plants like oak trees and dandelions also have roots that grow predominantly downwards.

What are the structures in stems that carry fluids up and down the stems?

The two main structures in stems that carry fluids up and down the stems are xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and minerals from roots to leaves, while phloem transports sugars and other nutrients produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant.

Why do stem go upwards?

Stems grow upwards due to a process called phototropism, which is the plant's response to light. The stems grow towards the light source in order to maximize their exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis, which is crucial for the plant's growth and development.

Why do roots grow toward the seed?

Roots grow towards the seed due to positive chemotaxis, where they are attracted towards chemical substances secreted by the seed. This helps roots establish a connection with the seed for water and nutrient uptake. Additionally, roots might also grow towards the seed by responding to gravity, a process known as gravitropism.

Where does the phloem get the food that it carries to the stems and roots?

While xylem transports only in one direction...up, the phloem can move nutrients in either direction. The phloem gets nutrients from the roots to take up to the leaves to be used in photosynthesis and moves sugars and other nutrients produced from the photosynthetic process down to the roots for storage.

Related questions

Do Roots grow up and stems grow down?

No, roots generally grow downwards into the soil to absorb water and nutrients, while stems grow upwards above ground to support the plant and transport water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant.

How do plant responses help plants to survive?

Plant responses, such as bending towards light (phototropism) and closing stomata in response to drought, help plants optimize their growth and resource utilization, increasing their chances of survival. These responses allow plants to adapt to changing environmental conditions, maximize photosynthesis, and reduce water loss, ultimately enhancing their ability to thrive in their habitats.

Does the stem grow above or below the ground?

The stem of a plant typically grows above the ground, supporting leaves, flowers, and fruit.

How does gravitropism effect plants?

Gravity. Gravitropism is when an object either moves towards or away from the force of gravity

Why do the roots grow down and the leaves grow up?

Roots grow downward towards gravity to anchor the plant in the soil, access nutrients, and absorb water. Leaves grow upward towards light to maximize photosynthesis, which is crucial for producing energy for the plant through the conversion of sunlight.

What is the effect of geotropism on root growth?

helps the roots grow down and the stalk grow up

List of plants that have roots that only grow down?

Most plants have roots that grow both vertically and horizontally to varying degrees. However, taproots such as carrots and radishes primarily grow downwards, as do fibrous roots of grasses. Deep-rooted plants like oak trees and dandelions also have roots that grow predominantly downwards.

What are the structures in stems that carry fluids up and down the stems?

The two main structures in stems that carry fluids up and down the stems are xylem and phloem. Xylem conducts water and minerals from roots to leaves, while phloem transports sugars and other nutrients produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant.

Why do stem go upwards?

Stems grow upwards due to a process called phototropism, which is the plant's response to light. The stems grow towards the light source in order to maximize their exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis, which is crucial for the plant's growth and development.

Can you grow tomatoes upside down vs the traditional method?

You can try but the plant will try to grow upwards. All plants grow up and their roots grow down. This is coded in their DNA.

Why do roots grow toward the seed?

Roots grow towards the seed due to positive chemotaxis, where they are attracted towards chemical substances secreted by the seed. This helps roots establish a connection with the seed for water and nutrient uptake. Additionally, roots might also grow towards the seed by responding to gravity, a process known as gravitropism.

What is a material the plant take up through it's roots and stems?

Water and minerals