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Q: Why do ragworms have good reflexes?
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Are you born with reflexes?

Yes, babies are born with certain reflexes that help them survive and develop. These reflexes, such as the rooting and sucking reflexes, are automatic responses to stimuli that are essential for early development. Over time, these reflexes typically fade as voluntary control of movements develops.

What are the two functional classifications of reflexes?

The two functional classifications of reflexes are autonomic reflexes, which regulate activities of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands, and somatic reflexes, which involve skeletal muscles. Autonomic reflexes are involuntary and controlled by the autonomic nervous system, while somatic reflexes are voluntary and controlled by the somatic nervous system.

Why is it incorrect to refer to good reaction time and good reflexes as one in the same?

Reaction time refers to the time it takes for an individual to respond to a stimulus they anticipate, such as a starting gun in a race. Reflexes, on the other hand, are automatic, involuntary responses to a stimulus, like quickly pulling your hand away from a hot surface. While both involve quick responses, reflexes are innate and subconscious, while reaction time can be trained and improved with practice.

What is a innate reflex?

Innate reflexes are reflexes that result from the connections of neurons during their development.

What is the instrument used to test knee reflexes?

The instrument used to test knee reflexes is a reflex hammer. The doctor will tap the tendon below the kneecap to evaluate the neurological responses and reflexes in the leg.