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Plant cells need chloroplasts to go through photosynthesis. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts because they do not need to go through photosynthesis.

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8mo ago

Plant cells have chloroplasts because they undergo photosynthesis, which is the process of converting sunlight into energy. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which is necessary for capturing sunlight. Animal cells do not undergo photosynthesis; therefore, they do not need chloroplasts.

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Q: Why do plants cells have choroplast and animal cell do not have them?
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Is the choroplast found in the plant cell or animal cell?

Chloroplasts are found in plant cells, not in animal cells. Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, the process through which plants convert sunlight into energy.

What are the 3 elements that plant cells have and animals cells do not?

Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, and large central vacuole, which animal cells lack.

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Yes, plants and animals have cell walls.

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plants have cell walls. animal cells do not. animal cells have cell memebranes, however.

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plant cell shave a cell wall - animal cells do not plants cells have chlorophyll - animal cells do not

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no, plant cells have cell walls and cell membranes but animal cells only have a cell membrane

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plants photosynthesis, and the cell are different

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Plants and animal cells have some differences, such as the presence of a cell wall in plant cells and chloroplasts for photosynthesis. Animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts. Additionally, plant cells have large central vacuoles, while animal cells do not typically have large vacuoles.

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Plants and animal cells both have nucleus, chromosomes, vacuole, cell membrane, cytoplasm, and mitochondrion. However, plants cells have cell wall and chloroplast which animal cells don't.

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cell walls and chloroplast and vacuole

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plants cells have cell walls around their cell membrane for extra support, while animal cells only have the cell membrane. plants cells also contain contractile vacuoles, while animal cells don't. Plant cells have chloroplasts. Animal cells don't. :)