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Food and shelter are reasons why plants attract bugs. As members of the insect order Hemiptera, bugs find places for feeding, hiding, mating, and resting among plant flowers, foliage, and fruits.

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4mo ago

Plants can attract bugs for a variety of reasons, such as providing food sources like nectar or pollen, emitting fragrances that attract pollinators, or offering shelter or breeding grounds. Some bugs may also be attracted to plants as a host for laying eggs or as a hiding spot from predators.

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14y ago

Many plants depend on insects to act as the "middlemen" in reproduction. The insects move pollen from the male part of the plant to the female part, something which the plant is incapable of doing for itself or to catch it prey if it is a carnivorous plant.

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Q: Why do plants attract bugs?
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This is a very vague question, but there will always be bugs outside. The best thing to do is to set traps instead of spraying. Setting traps will attract the bugs to them, but will not hurt the plants.

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well colourful flowers attract bees so they should also attract bugs, well bugs as in ladybirds and one like that maybe even grasshoppers. but i would go to an expert to find out more.

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