Yes, gasoline is bad to breathe because when and if you breathe your lungs react to like its smoke. Did I answer it, or is it to complicated, okay the main answer is:YES!!!!!!!
Some people sniff petrol to experience a euphoric feeling or altered mental state. However, this practice, known as inhalant abuse, can have serious health consequences including brain damage, heart problems, and even death. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is engaging in this behavior.
Yes, the hormone that triggers the sensation of needing to sniff is called oxytocin. It is responsible for stimulating the muscles in the nasal passage, which can lead to an increased urge to sniff.
people of the world chemicals don't sniff them they will make u sick or they will kill u
IPA is miscible with petrol.
The word "fume" generally implies a gas. The only common exception I know of is in the two word phrase "silica fume", which is sometimes used for very fine solid silica particles that have been prepared by a process including a step of passing silica through a fume stage. Such solid material is preferably called "fumed silica".
Petrol is a liquid. It is a refined product derived from crude oil and is commonly used as fuel for vehicles.
sniff petrol
As a matter of fact, sniff... sniff.. they do.
Sniff, its a very basic word. It means the same thing as smell. Only people use "sniff" when they are referring to an animal such as a dog. Hope this helped:)
People get the PETROL from the ground.
petrol station of course people
It's just another of the five (or six) senses needed to live your life.
its no good for you
If you do sniff propel powder you will have VERY intense burning in your nose, I've had people tell me all about it.
Sniff sniff or a friend... although it will probably still smell some when they have wiped sufficiently
because they are freaks like you!!
Because the petrol is the best combustible