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Epsom salts are used for sore muscles in athletes and others. These Epsom salts have drying and pain relief properties. They can also be used as laxatives when ingested.

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Q: Why do people pour epsom salts in the bathtub?
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What is a homemade recipe to get rid of red bumps after shaving your genital region?

Genital hair is there for a very good reason (to protect against bacteria) but there are reasons you might need to shave the hair off. Get "Epsom Salts" from your local drug store. It's always on the shelf and if you can't find it just ask for it. Epsom Salts is used for sore muscles and is great for sunburns and irritations of the skin. Pour 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom Salts into a little boiling water, just enough to melt the salts and pour it into your bath water. DO NOT USE BUBBLE BATH! Then lay in it for 15 - 20 minutes and enjoy! One time should do it, but if it doesn't do it, try a couple of times. Epsom Salts was used by men in the steel mill for drawing out steel slivers, has many other useful purposes, and it is good to always have around your home. You could also try a warm compress with antibacterial soap 3 times a day, or us hair conditioner to lubricate the area before and after shaving. The hair in that region curls and has sharp edges from the razor. This causes irritation and bumps.

What can you do about a sunburn on your breasts?

Put 1 cup of Epsom Salts in a tepid bath (NOTHING ELSE!) Take a measuring cup and measure 1 cup Epson Salts, then put boiling water in it to disolve) and pour into your tepid bath water. Soak 20 minutes to 1/2 hour. Epson Salts draws out the redness, burning and any itching. I just did this for my nephew and it worked really well.

How do you cure an itchy hive-like rash on the upper thighs that only happens in winter when wearing not-too-tight denim jeans?

Winter means dry skin. You may have a sensitivity to denim in the winter that you don't in the summer. However, I would see a doctor. The other poster is correct ... see your doctor, but until you can get to a doctor, get some Epsom Salts from your local drug store. If you don't see it on the shelves (usually comes in a container like a waxed milk carton) ask the pharmacist where it is. Once home, take one full cup of the salts, pour boiling water in the cup and stir until it's dissolved. Run a BODY TEMPERATURE bath and pour the cup of Epsom Salts into the bath. Lay there for 20 minutes to 1/2 an hour. Epsom Salt is good for sunburns, sores, etc., because it draws out the redness and soreness and helps to heal infections. This is only a use until you see that doctor.

How do you get the soap on the sponge in webkinz?

You have to pour the soap into the bathtub, then with your sponge just go over your pet!

How can you get the shine back on an old porcelain bathtub?

You can get the shine back on an old porcelain bathtub by washing it with an all-purpose bathtub cleaner and then rinsing it clean with water. Next, pour several cups of vinegar into a bathtub of hot water and allow it to sit for a few hours. Rinse the tub with cold water then take a dry, soft cloth to buff the bathtub.

Why have you been itching all over for over a week I have no other symptoms and havent been in the sun forever?

There could be many reasons: * A new medication you are on or even a first try new over-the-counter medication. * Poor blood circulation. * Being in the house too much. Use Aveeno Body Lotion (stops the itching.) * Allergy to possibly a new laundry detergent, soap you use to shower or bathe with or bubbly bath. New body lotion. * Body sprays. Go to the pharmacist and get Epsom Salts (not like table salt) and if you don't see it ask your pharmacist for it. Take 2 good cups of Epsom Salts and pour it into a small bowl, pour just enough boiling water over it to dissolve the crystals and then poor into a bath tub full of TEPID water (body temperature water.) Soak for 15 or 20 minutes. Then use Aveeno Body Lotion. Epsom Salts is great for itching, sunburn, wounds, etc. If this itching refuses to go away then please see a dermatologist.

How can you make your own scented bath salts?

Mix several cups of Epsom Salts with several teaspoons glycerin, then add a few drops of your favorite perfume. You can also add food coloring to put the bath salts in a decorative container to match your bathroom decor. To use: just pour and handful or two into the bath and enjoy. This also makes a nice gift to give to someone. Note: since the food coloring is so highly diluted, it will not stain your skin or bath cloths and towels. Also, the glycerin (which can be found in drugstores) is a skin softener and moisturizer, but is optional.

What could a splotchy itchy tan on a 9 yr old mean that is not red?

It could mean your 9 year old has had a bad burn and this part of the skin is dry and itchy. Get some Epsom Salts from the drug store (ask the pharmacist if you can't find it.) Take 1 - 2 cups of the crystals (not like regular table salt and will not burn) and dissolve with boiling water. Pour the Epsom Salts into a water filled bath tub of tepid water. Let your son lay in this for 20 minutes or half an hour. After he gets out and towel dries off then get him to rub his whole body with Aveeno Lotion. It works wonders for very itchy skin. If this continues for more than a week please see your doctor.

Can epsom salt regenerate 12v car battery?

Measure out 250 grams (about 7 to 8 ounces) of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). Heat 500 ml of distilled water (1/2 quart) to 65-degrees Celsius (150-degrees Fahrenheit). Dissolve the Epsom salts in the water. Avoid using tap water because it contains chemicals that will damage a battery.#Remove the battery cell caps. If you have a sealed battery, find the "shadow plugs" that cover openings to the battery cells. You'll need to drill through these. Drain any fluid out of the battery and then use a plastic funnel to pour enough of the Epsom salt solution in to fill each cell of the battery properly. Insert plastic plugs in the drill holes or replace the battery caps and then shake the battery to make sure the Epsom salt solution is well distributed.#Recharge the battery on a slow charge for 24 hours and then re-install it in your car. It should function properly. However, it's wise to put it on the battery charger each night for 3 to 4 days to restore it fully tothe maximum possible capacity

How you grow salt crystals?

# Boil the water in a microwave or on the stove. # Remove the water from heat and add the epsom salts. Stir the mixture until the salt is fully dissolved. If desired, add food coloring. # Pour the mixture over a piece of sponge (optional) or into a shallow container. You need just enough liquid to cover the bottom of the container. # Place the container in a warm or sunny location. Crystals will form as the water evaporates.

How do you thaw a bathtub drain?

Pour hot salt water down it, or alcohol if that fails. You can also just try putting a space heater next to it to thaw it externally if you can get access to the pipe.

What would cause a red very itchy rash that appeared on your chest when you were out in the sun one week after getting a sunburn?

You're damaging your skin! Stop with the sun tanning and look after your skin. Water is important for our bodies, so you could have damaged one to two layers of skin (depending on how bad the burn was). Take a cup of Epson Salts (put boiling water into the cup of Epsom Salts to melt) and pour into a tepid bath (do not add anything else to the bath water) and soak for 20 minutes to half an hour. Epson Salts does not burn and it will help the sunburn or rashes a great deal. REMEMBER ... TEPID WATER, NOT THE USUAL WARM TO HOT WATER A PERSON TAKES WHEN HAVING A BATH.