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People have triggers because of past traumatic experiences or associations they have formed between certain stimuli and negative emotions. Triggers can be anything that reminds a person of their trauma and can cause them to relive the experience or feel intense emotions. Therapy and coping techniques can help individuals identify and manage their triggers effectively.

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Q: Why do people have triggers?
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Write it Down?

Many people who suffer from migraines also have triggers which contribute to the headaches. When exposed to these triggers, a migraine can start instantly, or shortly following exposure. You can get migraine relief by figuring out your triggers using a headache journal. Write down all food eaten that day and how you feel after. If you have any food triggers, you will begin to see a pattern, such as getting a migraine shortly after drinking alcohol or eating chocolate.

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On penguin storm what are triggers?

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How do you make triggers in age of mythology?

Well, you make triggers by going to the top menu and selecting "triggers" then you go add trigger then add effect then choose your effect!